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8 Months Later...

"...And now we will have a speech from our Valedictorian. Please give a round of applause for Gladia Coremala." Mr. Silverstein said.

I stood up and walked on the podium, smiling at the cheers and applause.

Yeah, I came clean and told Mr. Silverstein my real name. Now that my old man's outta the way, I got nothin' to hide anymore.

"Thank you, Mr. Silverstein, and thank you all for accepting me as your Valedictorian despite my background. Years ago, I was ashamed of who I was because of my past. I've seen things that I can never unsee. I was so insecure about who I was that I changed my name. I didn't want anyone to know who I was and be afraid of me. Throughout the years that I've been at Gladiolus University, I've always tried to avoid conflict and stay in the shadows. I would step up and speak out for those who couldn't." I said, looking down at Carmen.

She blushed and turned away with a small smile.

"To my friends, thank you for always supporting me. I'm sorry I never told you about my past, but I was afraid of what you would think of me and how you would react. I'm not ashamed of who I am anymore because of you." I said.

Carmen and the other friends that I have made all smiled.

"To my teachers, thank you for giving it your all throughout these years. Out of all the teachers I've had throughout my school years, you guys were definitely my favorite ones by far." I said.

The staff next to me on the stage all smiled as well.

"And to my family, you have been my biggest supporters. I couldn't ask for a better family and I can't thank you enough. Aunt Lindsay, thank you for raising me and molding me into the young woman you see before you. I dedicate this speech to you and your sister, my mother, Charmaine Holton, who gave her life to save mine." I began.

I looked at my Aunt Lindsay who was smiling with a tear-streaked face.

"Not a day goes by without me thinking of her, and not a day goes by without me wishing she were still here... But if it weren't for her sacrifice, I wouldn't be standing here before you now. I pray for good fortune and health to everyone in this auditorium. Thank you all for your time." I said.

A loud round of applause and cheers erupted when I concluded my speech. I stepped off the stage and sat back down in my seat.

"Thank you, Gladia for that wonderful speech. Now, let's start handing out these diplomas." Mr. Silverstein.

All the graduating students stood up and waited for their names to be called.

"Carmen Saldaña." Mr. Silverstein said.

I watched as my young friend walked up on stage and accept her diploma. I clapped at every name that was called.

"Gladia Coremala." Mr. Silverstein said.

I smiled and walked back on stage and accepted my diploma. Walking back to my seat, I watched as the remaining students walked up on stage and accept their diplomas.

"Graduates, turn your tassels." Mr. Silverstein said.

At the same time, everyone turned their tassels.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your Gladiolus University graduates!" Mr. Silverstein cried happily.

The auditorium was soon filled with cheers and applause. All at once, we all tossed our caps in the air. After some final words from Mr. Silverstein, everyone exited the auditorium and out of the building into the courtyard. I hugged and took pictures with all my friends that I came across.

What an incredible graduation!

Pushing through the sea of people, I met up with my family by the fountain.

"Guys!" I cried.

Aunt Lindsay, Eric, Ian, and some former mafia members all turned around and smiled when they saw me. I ran into their arms and hugged them.

"Congratulations, Gladia!" Aunt Lindsay said.

"We're so proud of you!" Eric said.

"Thanks everyone." I said.

Pulling away from everyone, I turned to Ian and smiled.

"Congrats, Gladia." he said lovingly.

"Thanks, Ian." I said.

He grinned and then pulled something out of his suit pocket.

"What is that?" I asked.

Ian chuckled and got down on one knee. I cupped my hands over my gaped mouth and tears began welling up in my eyes. He opened the small box and inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

No freakin' way...

"Gladia Charmaine Holton-Coremala... Will you make me the happiest and luckiest man on earth... and marry me...?" he asked.

Tears began flowing down my cheeks. I sniffled and brought my hands down to show him my smile.

"Yes... Yes! I will!" I cried happily.

Everyone around us started cheering and applauding. Ian stood up and slid the ring on my finger. He then pulled me into him and sealed the air between us. I smiled and kissed the love of my life. When we parted, the two of us smiled at one another.

"Love ya, Dia." Ian said.

"Love ya too, Ian." I said.

Our lips connected once more.

This is the happiest I've ever been... I hope you're proud of me, Momma. I promise to become the daughter that you've always wanted me to be... I promise to stay you're little Valkyrie...

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