Descendant of a Superheroine

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8 Years Ago...

"Aw, c'mon Aunt Lindsay! Can't you tell me what this necklace can do?" I asked.

"I already told you a billion times, no. Your mother said that you will unlock its power, not me." Aunt Lindsay replied.

Letting out a defeated groan, I rested my chin on my arms, watching my aunt as she prepared lunch.

"Can't you at least give me a hint...?" I whined.

"You're really gonna resort to whining, Gladia? I swear, you are the reincarnation of my sister. She whined and cried day and night, asking our mother, the same questions, over and over and over..." Aunt Lindsay explained.

"Until she finally gave in?"

Aunt Lindsay stopped and turned to me with a smug look. In return, I just smiled.

Got her...

"You're just like your mother..." Aunt Lindsay mumbled.

When I chuckled, I saw a blue light bouncing off the white marble counter. Looking down, I saw that the necklace was glowing.

"Aunt Lindsay! Look!" I cried.

Turning around, Aunt Lindsay's eyes widened.

"You're tapping into its power...!" Aunt Lindsay proclaimed.

Jumping down from the chair, I cupped the glowing necklace in my hands.

"What should I do now?" I asked, looking up at my aunt.

"What do you want to do?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"This power is your own now. How you wield it is up to you."

How I wield it is up to me...?

When I released the necklace, it started floating. Tapping the gleaming crystal, I felt a jolt of electricity and pulled my hand away. Opening my clasped hand, a bright blue light appeared.


"Where did this come from!?" I asked.

"Don't panic! Relax. You'll start to lose control over your powers," Aunt Lindsay said.

"Okay... but, what do I do with this?"

"Shape it. Picture it in your mind and believe it in your heart."

Nodding, I clasped my free hand over the blue light and closed my eyes. Opening my hands, a million illuminated butterflies swarmed the house.

"You did it, Gladia! You've discovered your power!" Aunt Lindsay cried happily.

I danced and laughed as the butterflies swirled around me.

This is so cool!

Holding my hands up, the butterflies disappeared, and blue sparkles rained down.

"Gladia, understand that you are the youngest in our family to have tapped into the necklace's power," Aunt Lindsay said.

"Really? Wow..." I said in awe.

"Yes. Your mother was 18 when she discovered this power, and your grandmother was 21 when she tapped into it."

"What about you?"

Aunt Lindsay's smile soon faded.

"I was never given the necklace because I wasn't the firstborn... Your mother was my older sister, meaning she got the necklace instead of me. I would always help her unlock her true potential and find out what powers that necklace held. Believe it or not, she actually became a superhero," Aunt Lindsay said.

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