Help From an Old Friend

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Looking over my dad's shoulder, I saw a boy with honey skin, long black hair, and dark hazel eyes.

Why does he look so... familiar...?

"Get outta here, Young Goodwin! This got nothin' to do with ya!" Dad said.

"Yes, it does." the boy said.

While they were distracted, I released a pulse of light that knocked back the two guards and my dad.

"C'mon! Let's go!" the boy said.

Nodding, I followed him to the staircase. The two of us jumped down the spiral staircase, hopping from railing to railing.

"Get my daughter and Young Goodwin!" Dad said over the PA.

Great, the whole building is between us and our freedom.

That's when the boy stopped in front of the door that led to the garage. He dug into his pocket and then pulled out some car keys and a piece of paper.

"Take this and go to this location," he said giving me the items.

"Wait. What about you?" I asked.

"No time. I'll catch up. Go!"

He shoved me out of the stairwell and locked the door. Clutching the keys in my hand, I walked around the garage, my legs shaking like crazy.

I can't believe Dad recognized me so easily... What was I thinking? I should've never taken this mission...!

Pressing the button on the keys, I saw a car's headlights light up. Walking up to it, I saw that it was a lime green Camaro.

Guess I'm escaping in style.

Hopping in, I started up the car and the engines flared to life. Taking the wheel, I drove out of the garage and drove down the street. Checking the location that the boy gave me, I shifted gear and the car propelled itself further down the street.

Still, why did that boy look so familiar, like... I've met him before...

That's when Dynamo started talking.

"Hey. How did things go?" he asked.

"Could've gone better. When I gathered the information, my old man and his goons almost got me..." I said regrettably.

"Oh, man. Sorry to hear..."

"He recognized me, Dynamo... Now that he knows that I'm alive, he'll stop at nothing to make sure I don't escape Feral Wolf."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm driving to a location this boy gave me."

Dynamo went silent for a minute.

"What did he look like...?" he asked.

"Honey skin, long black hair, and dark hazel eyes. I'm tellin' you, he looked familiar, like I've met him before," I said.

"Did you get his name?"

"My old man called him Young Goodwin. Name ring any bells?"

Dynamo went silent once more.

"No, sorry..." he said.

"It's fine. Good thing is, I got as much information as I could. Something on one of these files should be able to help us," I said.

"Yeah. Stay safe, Valkyrie..."

"Thanks, Dynamo."

Cutting the connection, I turned down the next corner and stopped at a light. My phone soon began to vibrate in my pocket. Taking it out, I saw that it was Aunt Lindsay. Answering the phone, I put her on speaker.

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