The Hunt is On

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Ian and I soon walked into a dress emporium to get some new clothes.

Don't want others to see us like this...

Splitting ways, I started wandering around the store to see if there was anything, I can wear other than my black and white outfit.

Now, let's see... What to wear...?

Looking around the store, I saw the perfect outfit.

A black, blue, and white theme. I like it.

Taking the outfit off the rack, I saw that it was the right size for me.

Hopefully, no one will suspect me and Ian...

Seeing what else I can add to the outfit, I spotted some black shades and a white and blue beret.


After paying for the outfit and accessories, I went into the dressing room to try it on. The outfit consisted of a blue and black crop-top with a black jacket with fur shoulders, white and blue mini-skirt, white and blue kicks, and fishnet stockings. After putting on the shades and beret, I smiled as I admired myself in the mirror.

I look like a completely different person. Good...

Walking out of the changing room, I noticed Ian waiting by the door. Smiling, I walked up to my friend and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around, he almost immediately averted my gaze.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"You look... wow... Just, wow..." Ian stuttered.

Rolling my eyes, I turned his head to meet my eyes.

"Not much fun being on the receiving' end, huh?" I asked.

I felt Ian's cheeks get hot with embarrassment. Chuckling, I placed a kiss on his hot cheek.

Now he knows how I feel.

"You don't look bad yourself, Ian." I said.

My friend was wearing a burgundy button-down top, dark gray ripped jeans, and brown buckle boots. His black hair was done up into a ponytail that fell over his shoulder.

"Thanks. C'mon. Let's get moving." he said.

Nodding, the two of us walked away from the store and started making our way down the street.

"We have to get you back to Black Ridge. It's the only place your dad wouldn't think to look." Ian said.

"Trust me, he'll know..." I said regrettably.

Ian grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Everythin' will be fine, Dia. You just gotta have faith." Ian said.

I glanced up at Ian nodded with a smile.

I'm so lucky to have a supportive friend like Ian. I still can't believe this is really him.

The two of us soon found ourselves traversing through Feral Wolf's park.

The only peaceful place in this mafia infested district...

Looking around me, I saw a lot of people on picnics, having barbeques, riding bikes, fishing by the pond; it really was peaceful.

But that doesn't mean my old man's mafia ain't around...

"Eyes up. Mafia." Ian whispered.

Speak of the devil...

Glancing upward, there were indeed three people decked out in black and white. Ian pulled me closer to him and buried my head in his chest as we walked by them. I could feel his heart pounding rapidly.

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