Facing A Familiar World

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Walking down the street, I glanced at the people around me, seeing if they were suspicious or not.

Around these parts, you can never be too sure... I never stayed with my old man for too long, but he did teach me how to recognize his members: black and white clothing as if they were out of those old-fashioned TV shows.

Glancing around me, I didn't see many people wearing those colors. Looking up, I saw the Coremala Organization compound across the street.

Sometimes I forget how many fancy cars my old man owns. 3/4 of the garage are his cars alone...

Sighing, I took off my leather jacket and headed towards a nearby trash can. That's when I saw a homeless man with tan skin and wearing nothing but rags. Looking down at the jacket, I smiled and walked up to the man.

Don't want this nice jacket to go to waste...

"Here. Take it." I said, handing him the jacket.

The man looked at the jacket in surprise.

"Really?" he asked.

"Truly. You need it more than I." I said.

The man cautiously took the jacket and slipped it on.

"Heh, a perfect fit," I said.

"Thank you so much." he said.

"Of course."

Waving goodbye, I looked both ways before crossing. Once on the other side, I looked up at the off-white, three-story building and breathed out.

Well, it's now or never...

Pushing through the glass doors, I stepped inside the building, seeing a small number of people inside. Sure enough, they were all wearing black and white attire.

Place hasn't changed a bit. You would think it would look like an office, but it's far from it. Place looks like a museum or mansion on every floor...

Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I turned tails and started making my way toward the exit. That's when I bumped into something or someone. Looking up, I saw two large bouncer-looking guys.


"An' where do ya think you're goin', lady?" asked one of the men.

Talk about not wantin' to draw attention to myself...

Clearing my throat, I looked up at the two men.

"I was goin' out to get a drink. Gotta problem with that?" I asked.

"Nah, you just look familiar, that's all." said the other man.

I felt a chill run down my spine. The two men stepped out of the way and opened the door for me. Thanking them, I walked out of the building and walked down the street.

"Dynamo, you there?" I asked, pressing on the earpiece.

"Loud and clear, Valkyrie. What's up?" he asked.

"Place is too heavily guarded to just continue through the front. Is there a spot where I can sneak in through the back?"

"Down the alleyway next to the building, there's a back door you can go through. But beware; it's heavily guarded. Gonna have to use your powers if you wanna get through."

"Way ahead of you, Dynamo. Over and out."

Cutting the connection, I ducked down the alleyway and sure enough, I saw two men standing in front of a metal door.

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