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"Tag! You're it, Gladia!" my best friend cried.

"No fair, Ian! You're faster than me!" I whined.

Ian giggled and walked up to me. With a smile, he patted my head.

"Sorry, Dia, that's just how the game works." Ian said.

"Then, you shouldn't be standin' next to me..." I said.

I laughed at my failed attempt to tag my best friend.

"Come and get me, Dia!" Ian teased.

"Careful what you wish for, Ian!" I cried.


"You're leavin'...? But why...?" Ian asked.

"My dad wants me to come with him so we can take over this mafia in Berlin. He said it'll be a 'father-daughter bonding exercise' since I'm gonna take over the Coremala Organization and be the new don of the mafia when I turn 18... My ma didn't like that idea and started preparin' for my departure..." I said.

Ian sighed and paced around my room with a defeated look.

I hate seein' him like this...

"Where will you go?" he asked.

"To my mom's sister's house, my Aunt Lindsay," I said.

"Then, I'll come with you." Ian said.


My outburst startled Ian.

"You'll be puttin' your life at risk," I said.

"And you're not?" he asked.

"If you come with me, my dad and your brother will be huntin' us down like bloodhounds."

Ian looked down at the ground and sighed. I walked up to my friend and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'll be fine, Ian. You have nothin' to worry about." I said.

Ian looked down at me and placed his forehead on mine. He then pulled away with a large grin on his face.

"Let's make a promise to each other that no matter what happens to you or me... we'll always be best friends." Ian said.

I smiled at him and nodded. I took hold of his hands and gave them a small squeeze.

"Best friends today." I said.

"Tomorrow." Ian said.

"And always." we said in unison.

Smiling at one another, we sealed our promise with a hug.


"Gladia, take this address, and run." Momma said.

I took the small piece of paper and looked back up at my mother with tears in my eyes.

"But, what about you? What about Dad...?" I asked.

"...I'll deal with your father. And... if I don't make it, take this." Momma said.

Momma reached behind her neck and took off her blue crystal necklace. Taking my hand, she placed the jewelry in my hand.

"That necklace has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations, and now, it's your turn," Momma said.

"Really...? Are you sure I'm ready...?" I asked.

"When the time comes, you'll unlock its power."

Daughter of the DonWhere stories live. Discover now