Chapter 5: Mag Rail Locked

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                    I must have been that cell only for hours when a Seige guard came into it. At least then I knew where the cell’s door was.

                “Are you Chris Kessler?”

                Why do you people keep asking me that?? You have to know already since I’m here.

                “So you ARE Chris. I’m going to get you out of here.”


                “Because I’m a spy, I’m not actually Seige.”

                -Then who are you and where do you come from?

                “My name is Kate Thompson, and I represent the Hentu’s.”

                -You’re lying; the Hentu’s don’t exist anymore!

                “Yes we do Chris, we have been in hiding for a while but we’re ready now to face Seige once more, well almost ready that is…”

                -You ARE telling the truth, I can see it in your eyes.

                “Here, take this…”

                She handed me a bar type device that looked only like a handle off of something.

                “This is a Magnetic Lift Bar. It’s used on those wall lifters around the room. Just attach this to one of the apertures in the wall and it will take you up. Your Hyper Suit is one floor higher than this cell and on the opposite side of the building from here as well. There is a ventilation duct beside a console on the second floor that leads right to the room where your suit is. You have to trust me, Chris.”

                She exited the cell and left the door open for me. I waited a few seconds and exited the cell, making my way around the room. This building was similar to the last tower I was in; it had a gap in the middle of every floor, allowing you to see both up and down. I spotted the Mag-Lifter on the wall and used my Magnetic Lift Bar to ride it up the wall to the next floor. A Seige guard saw me and sounded the alarm. I opened the ventilation duct and made my way through to the room where my suit was located.

                I dropped down into the room, grabbed the suit, and put it on. As soon as I did, ten Seige guards entered the room. I activated the talons and started fighting my way out of the room. I exited and jumped over the rail just like in the last tower. This time though, they had a vault door as the main entrance. I turned around to look for another way out, but there wasn’t one so I had to use my ARD rifle to blast through it. Just as I was about to blast the door down, something hit me in the back and knocked me down.

                I got up and turned around only to see a Seige Elite guard standing there. There were Infantry Guards on the second floor, watching. This guard’s armaments were ridiculous; he had six laser cannons around his right wrist and a large blade as his left hand. I shot a small blast at him, expecting to knock him down at least but all he did was raise his right hand and absorb the blast from my ARD. Then he started shooting his cannons at me so I was dodging and evading his attack. The blasts were coming so fast that all I knew was that they were firing and hitting the surfaces around me; I couldn’t see the blasts themselves. When he finally let up on his firing, I shot a larger blast at him but he still absorbed it.

                He kept firing and I kept dodging. This went on for about ten minutes without luck on either side. Every time I fired at him, he would absorb the blast. However, the larger the blast, the longer it took him to absorb it, which was his weakness. I fired a blast at full power and while he was absorbing it, I circled around the back of him, kicked him in the back, knocking him away from me and towards the door. I shot the energy tank on his back which made him explode and blast the door open at the same time. I ran out of the door and just kept on running until I was well away from the base. I found a cave nearby which I hid inside. I looked to my right and saw a note pad. The note pad had a set of coordinates on it so I input the destination and started travelling to where it led me.

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