Chapter 21: Trial 2- Spider Mountain

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                I arrived at Spider Mountain for the next trial. I can’t say I know what this trial will be, but I know it will be difficult. I walked up the path to the top and I saw a deep hole in the middle, this could have at one point been a volcano, but that is unknown. In the hole, I could see webbing. The silky color of the silver webs and the sunshine reflecting off of it looks beautiful. It’s hard to believe that within that silk lays creatures that are very powerful.

                I started downward, just diving right in. I used my Talons on the way down to cut through the webbing and into this dark, damp cave underneath. After slicing the web, I fell for an additional twenty seconds without hitting anything until finally landing. The impact of the landing shook the whole room.

In the center of the room stood another satellite beacon. Since there were no enemies so far, I went ahead and activated the beacon. Like last time, the beam started out red and turned green when connected. The beam shot straight up through the web, catching it on fire and revealing the gigantic spiders on the sides of the mountain walls.

                One of them was right above me and so it tried to jump on top of me. I dodged out of the way and tried stabbing it with my Talons. Its armor is remarkable because I didn’t make a scratch. I tried using my Bio-Mech Destabilizer on it, which would normally dissolve any armor, and even that did nothing. I saw a climbing path up the wall and I decided to take it.

                I started climbing and one of the spiders on the floor spat web at me, which I dodged but when it impacted the wall, it made a hole the size of a pumpkin in the wall. I started hurrying faster until a spider right above me opened its mouth and spat fire at me. I dodged that too but one of the silk spitters hit me and I fell to the floor. I used my Talons to cut through the web holding me down but not before several spiders surrounded me on all sides.

The one directly in front of me reared up, getting ready for an attack. It opened its mouth and I shot a Bio-Mech blast right into it. It fell backwards and curled its legs up to its chest as it started dissolving from the inside out, leaving only its armor. I rushed forward, laying my hand on the armor to absorb it.

                As it was processing, several spiders had leapt onto me and started bombarding me with various fire and web blasts until finally my suit changed into a spiked suit, with razor sharp edges all over it. I gained another upgrade to my Talons which would allow me to pierce their armor and the upgrade came with the processing of Jack’s claws, allowing me to add the shield functionality as well.

I stood up, throwing all the spiders off of me with great force. I activated my Talons, which glowed a bright green at the sharp part of the blades and black for the rest, and started swiping at the spiders, which were very fragile at this point. During the fight, a few of the spiders spat web and fire at me but I used the spiked Talon Shield to block them.

The shield allows for protection against all forms of fire or lava, and it also breaks apart webbing as soon as the webbing touches it. My suit started to glow and autopilot was activated. I turned around to start heading up the wall when suddenly I leapt away from the wall and did a backwards summersault. I then charged up energy in my boots and did a second jump in mid-air by expelling the energy that was built up from the whole suit.

The second jump was just high enough for me to grab the top of the mountain’s inside and pull myself up to safety. Autopilot then disengaged, allowing me control of my suit and body. I left the mountain for the last trial location; the Tangled Swamp. What might I find there? Who knows at this point.

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