Chapter 15: The Teranor War

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                  I arrived at the base, hurrying into the briefing room with the general and Kate.

                -We need to talk.

                “I’ll get my captains…”

                -NO! Let’s keep this on the down low for now; I don’t want to concern everyone. It may be urgent but we have time.

                “Okay, what is the news?”

                -The Teranors are preparing for an invasion. The Unknown are certain that we have a couple weeks to prepare but if they hadn’t given me this information we wouldn’t stand a chance. We might have a chance with this…

                I pulled the shield out of my suit and showed it to Kate and the General.

                “How powerful is it?”

                -Powerful enough. It’s stronger than anything we have here.

                “Well if what you are saying is true, we have little time to set it up and upgrade our weapons. We should probably have nukes at the ready just in case.”

                -I doubt that would help, they can absorb nuclear blasts and use it against us in full. I’m going to go talk to Jack.

                I exited the base and headed to the Siege base. There were no guards at the door like normal so I proceeded inside only to find the whole place empty. I headed to Jack’s office and I saw a hand written note. I also noticed there were large scratch marks on the walls. I picked up the note, quick scanned it to read it faster, and activated my Talons to gage the size of the marks on the wall. They were bigger, and deeper than mine could go into the wall.

                -Teranor… Suit, what did that letter say?

                “Chris, when you get this, I don’t know where I will be. I’m going crazy here, I have made a mistake. You know how I hate suit tech? Well, I installed one. It was a model like the one you have, but some of the abilities were enhanced. Teranor claws were implemented into this suit and it seems as though they had some kind of chemical in them that gives the user psychosis and of course the suit replicates every aspect of the thing it’s replicating. I have travelled to Scorpion Crevasse to get away from everyone before I kill them. Please do not come after me. From now on, your mission comes from the Hentus like it used to. I have sent my soldiers to Siege tower in grid Alpha Seven, just southwest from you.”

                -I need to find out what chemical he has been infected with and cure him.

                I headed back to the Hentu base, the General and Kate were still in the conference room.

                “That was fast, what’s wrong?”

                -Jack is gone, infected by some sort of chemical. It’s making him psychotic.

                “I know the one; we found it inside one of the claws of the dead Teranor we were studying.”

                -Do you still have that thing?

                “Yes, but its dead.”

                -Yeah, that’s the mistake Jack made with that Omega.

                We heard an explosion that rocked the base, it was awake.

                -DAMMIT! We need to get it out of here!

                I headed into the morgue where the Teranor had been kept only to see it holding a TDD, the last TDD upgrade that I was supposed to get. It activated the TDD and disappeared into the folds of time. I activated my TDD but it was too late, it was gone. I started searching the base but to no avail. I returned back to the General and Kate, who had not made it out of the hallway.

                -It’s gone. It has a TDD.

                They both were shocked and looked scared. A simple scout couldn’t do much, but add a TDD and it becomes a very powerful Teranor, only rivaled by an Omega. Luckily I have the armor of an Omega but I have no idea what kind of firepower this thing has. A fight between us may or may not be a fight to the death.

                -We can’t worry about the scout right now, we have a much bigger problem to prepare for, remember?

                “True, but we can’t forget about the scout. We will wait to deploy the shield until it is either outside the base or is killed, again. Meantime, go to Torrential Temple. There is a plant there that will cure Jack.”

                I headed out of the base and went to the Torrential Temple.

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