Next time, in Equinox: Dreamscape

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                I fled from the base as fast as I could, not looking back for anything. The only thing I heard was the low pitched humming sound that its field created. I saw what it did to those men. How their suit was deactivated and their skin was ripped to shreds leaving nothing but their bones. I am not anywhere close to being powerful enough to face this thing and here it is, right now. The last suit upgrade I got was to protect from any energy field but this energy was different. The creature used it to walk through an energy force field like it wasn’t there.

                I ran as fast as I could but it didn’t matter. I saw the creature appear in front of me and I had to stop. I started running in a different direction and it appeared there too. I tried to escape its grasp but no matter where I fled to, it would be waiting for me. I finally just stopped running.

                -Why are you doing this?!!

                “The energy from your suit will sustain me forever, giving me eternal life. I must kill you to get to your suit.”

                It started walking towards me, slowly. The energy field started back up again. Like last time, it started out looking like a burning inferno as if it were a star, then it turned transparent. I watched as the energy field crept ever closer to me. I closed my eyes, waiting for death.

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