ii. unforeseen news

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SCHOOL TODAY was just like any other day. Only paying attention to the important things being said in class, walking down the halls with nothing but my music playing through my earbuds and the muffled sounds of people talking to each other.

The final bell has now rung and students are rushing out of class to go home for the day. An announcement rings through the hallways, reminding us all about the spirit assembly that is being held tomorrow. Which means I get to watch colorful highlighters sing and dance, and listen to all the announcements the principal has for us. Exciting.

I begin my walk back to my apartment, more aware of the people walking past than I was last night.

I glance at people's faces as they walk by every once in a while, wondering if any of them would match the ones I saw yesterday. I hadn't thought about that event until now, and I can't help my curiosity if I'll ever see any of them again.

Too caught up in my thoughts I almost didn't see the trio of boys standing near my complex as I rounded the last corner. As I walk closer I recognize the shaggy haired boy from yesterday with what I assume are his two friends that were with him yesterday as well.

Now I wish I hadn't been thinking about them because maybe if I hadn't I wouldn't need to face them again.

My steps slow as I grow closer to them, now able to get a better look at them, being able to see what his friends look like. One of them has blond hair, the other two have brown, and one sports a leather jacket. All three of them having completely different styles from each other.

I duck my head as I continue to get closer, in fear that there may be the slightest possibility that they are stalking me.

I begin to pick up my speed as well. The quicker I move, the quicker I can get past and the less likely they'll notice. And as I walk by I can hear them having a conversation, talking as if nobody can hear them.

"Dude trust me she turned here. We all have questions you gotta trust me on this. Maybe she's another ghost who can help us with all this afterlife stuff." The boy who bumped into me stated, looking at the blond as he talked.

I don't even spare them a glance when I pass, successfully thinking I avoided them when they don't stop their conversation.

Though, the feeling of success only lasted two steps, hearing one of them shout, "hey!"

Maybe if I pretend I didn't hear them they'll think I'm the wrong girl? Yeah that could work. Going with that I pick up my pace just a little bit, careful not I not make it too noticeable I'm practically running away from them. But, out of nowhere, the shaggy haired boy pops up in front of me.

A scream escaped me as I jump and back away from the boy who just materialized out of thin air. Then the other two follow his lead appearing beside him and I shriek once again.

Looking around at all of them, I notice the blond one is staring at me with wide eyes and a freaked out expression that almost mirrors mine. Why in the world is he freaking out?

Then out of nowhere I feel something, or more specifically someone, poke my arm and I quickly move back at that contact. Looking down at my bicep I follow the retreating hand to the boy with the leather jacket, who is staring at his hand with wide, shocked eyes.

I just stand there, until it seems my mind has finally processed all that has happened in the span of the last minute.

"How did you appear out of nowhere? Why are you following me? Why do you all seem so freaked out? Are you going to kidnap me?" I begin to blurt out, my mind forming questions quicker than I could speak. I run a hand through my hair, glancing between the trio, panicking and absolutely terrified.

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