xxiii. not the end

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THE CAR ride back to the Molina's house was mostly quiet on my part, only when a question was thrown at me did I turn my head to answer them for a few seconds.

I was still stuck in the dress from Caleb since I didn't have a change of clothes. So the moment I got to my apartment the first thing I'll be doing is changing out this dress, tossing it out a window, and going to bed.

Arriving at their house I stay back and a small laugh escapes from me as I watch the family form a line and start singing 'Stand Tall' as they walk up to their porch.

"You guys and your phantoms were unbelievable tonight." Ray exclaims as I finally reach where they had all stopped, gesturing to the two of us. A small smile starts to form on my lips. "You know, I'd like to thank them for bringing music back into your life," he says, looking over at Julie.

"I already did," Julie smiles as she says that, my attention now going over to her. "But I didn't thank you, Papi."

I genuinely feel like I might be interrupting something here as I watch the three in front of me look at each other with fond smiles, while I hug my arms around myself wishing I had something more comfortable on.

After coming back from the embrace shared with her father, I turn my head toward Carlos at the sound of his voice. "Hey, Julie, Florence, uh, can I talk to you guys for a second?" He questions.

Looking over at Julie she seems just as confused by the question as I am, and I shrug my shoulders slightly when she looks at me as if asking what he's going on about.

"Yeah. Yeah, just give me a minute." Julie tells Carlos and I nod along as I look back at the boy.

Seeming somewhat satisfied from the answer given to him, Carlos nods. "Okay, I'll wait up. Don't ghost me." He winks at us and my eyes widen as Ray chuckles from behind us.

Looking at Julie once again with wide eyes, we share a surprised look, though mine isn't as shocked as hers because of being in the studio at the same time he was "talking" to the guys.

I must have been so busy thinking back to that moment that I jump when I feel a hand touch my arm.

"You can go change into something in my room if you'd like." Julie tells me, and I nod. "I'm going to head down to the studio."

Nodding once again I begin walking up into the house, but I turn around before I reach the door. "Are you sure you want to go alone? I don't mind going with you," I tell her, nodding my head toward the walkway to the studio.

With a small smile on her lips she shakes her head. "No, it's okay. I think I want to do this on my own." I give her a small smile as well before turning around and walking inside the house the same moment she begins walking towards the studio.

Closing the door behind me once I walk inside, I'm about to start walking up the stairs to Julie's room before I hear my name being called to the kitchen.

Freezing in my steps, I stay where I am for a second before slowly starting to walk over to the kitchen. Did I screw up? I don't remember doing anything wrong to have Ray calling for me.

Shaking my head of those thoughts once I round the corner I'm immediately met with Ray with his arms crossed over his chest with a serious look on his face. Definitely did something wrong.

"You know we were all worried about, where you were?" Ray starts, and my eyes widen slightly now knowing where this is going. "It's a relief now that you're here now, but where were you when the performance started?"

A small sigh escapes my lips as I look down for a second, trying to wrack my brain for a reason why I wasn't at the Orpheum. I mean I can't just say, 'Oh! An evil ghost dropped by in your studio and kidnapped me along with three ghosts who live in your studio as well to his weird ghost club.' Definitely cannot say that.

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