xxii. stand tall

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third person

IT WAS safe to say Julie was stressed. Florence was supposed to be at the Orpheum sometime over an hour ago along with the guys, but there has been no sight of them. And every time Julie would call her phone would just ring and ring until it went to voicemail.

"Flipping your phone over every three seconds won't make them get here any faster." Flynn hums, not seeming as worried as Julie is when she speaks, but little does she know that Flynn is silently panicking, glancing at the door every few seconds hoping Florence will come in. And as Flynn speaks, Julie anxiously bounces her leg up and down from where she is seated.

"I know," Julie mumbles flipping her phone over once again and seeing that there is still no notifications she sighs. Though, what does catch her attention is the time displayed on her screen.

Julie and the Phantoms is going to go on very soon, and the thought of having to go on stage alone makes Julie feel like she'll throw up once again as what happened in the car ride here earlier.

Sighing, Julie thinks back to when she had first gotten here and when Flynn eventually showed up and Julie thought for a split second that maybe Florence had gotten a ride with Flynn and that the guys would be right behind her. But when Flynn came in alone the frown on Julie's face intensified along with the worry that is still bubbling in her chest. Where were they?

Meanwhile, Florence was wondering that exact same thing. One moment she was in the studio and the next thing she knows she's in a strange place with no one around her.

Florence knows that none of the guys had done their ghost teleportation to her because if they did then they would be with her. But that is to be added onto her list of questions that seems to be growing by the second because when she looks down her eyes widen.

A dress that is not the one Julie had picked out for her to wear to the Orpheum is hugging her body that makes her tug at the sides at how uncomfortable the fabric makes her.

Once she finished tugging on her dress-which did nothing-Florence looks around where she is. The faint sound of music can be heard from the other side of the wall.

As Florence continues to look around in curiosity and panic, voices from around the corner catch her attention. She whispers under breath hoping that it will be the guys as she starts walking towards the voices. Though when she gets there she stops in her tracks.

The guys are there, but they aren't alone. None of them had seem to have noticed her entrance because the three guys are too entranced in conversation with the man standing in front of them. And the one standing in front of them is the man who had brought them all to the place, and Florence knows this by the look on each boys face and the clothing the tall man is wearing. Caleb.

Florence doesn't know whether or not she should just stay standing where she is and try to find a possible exit out of this place she knows will be a living hell, or go up to the guys.

She knows that the first one is most likely the better option because she knows that Julie and the Phantoms is soon going to open for Panic! At The Disco. But she also knows that she shouldn't leave this place without the guys because the band is Julie and the Phantoms, not Julie and Florence.

Though it seems her time is cut short of making a decision because she's knocked to the floor in pain, a groan falling from her lips as she hits the ground.

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