iii. surprise performances

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TODAY HAS not been the best day to say the least.

From the moment I woke up from very little sleep due to the questions that wouldn't stop filing in. Every time I would attempt to go to bed a sudden noise would have me immediately up and my heart racing, wondering if it were ghosts only for it to be the birds outside taunting me.

Then to make my morning worse, once I got to school my locker decided to not cooperate so I had to carry around my backpack all day. A backpack that feels like there is at least five bricks inside.

Now as a cherry-on-top I'm being forced to sit in the gym and watch dancing skittles for the spirit assembly.

My Friday is just going amazing.

Of course though, I'm not really paying any attention to the girl group in the middle of the gym because all my focus is on the homework I received today, wanting to get it out of the way so I can enjoy my weekend. I would've been drawing in my sketchbook instead of doing calculus, but I don't want to risk getting it taken away for not paying attention. So I figured they couldn't take away my homework. Plus it'll be nice to get it out of the way.

As I move onto the next problem I can feel peoples eyes on me, and when the feeling is still there a minute later I stop tapping my pencil on my paper and turn my head. My eyes immediately meet with two girls. I give them a small smile and when my gaze trails behind them my eyes widen and I quickly turn back to my homework. What are they doing here?

My attention then shifts from my homework to the sound of our principal talking. I start to pack up my things and slip my backpack on so I can leave the gym as soon as we're dismissed. It's stuffy and I'm going to start sweating if I don't get out of here soon.

As the principal does her announcements with the music teacher, I dare to spare a glance at the sidelines and I can still see the three ghost boys standing by the entrance.

Trying to think of a plan on how I can get out without having to cross paths with them, my thoughts are suddenly interrupted. "Hey," I jump at the sudden voice. Turning my head away I find that one of the girls by the entrance has now taken the spare spot next to me. "You're in my calculus class, right?" She smiles at me.

"Yeah," I nod, recovered from the scare. "I'm so sorry what's your name again?" I ask. Getting a good look at her I notice she is wearing a neon pink sweater with leopard print on it, with a pair of overalls on as well.

"I'm Flynn, and you're Florence, right?" She asks. I nod in response, now feeling like a jerk for her knowing my name but me not having any clue as to what hers is.

Before either of us can say anything else, students start to file out fo the gym. As I go to stand up and leave Flynn catches my wrist before I can go anywhere.

"Trust me, you're gonna want to stay." She takes me down to the stairs and drops my wrist. I give her a confused look, but still take a seat by her.

Before I can ask what the reason is for the sudden friendliness, I notice Flynn's attention has shifted toward the stage as she offers a nod and smile with encouragement in that direction. Out of curiosity I turn my head towards the stage and find the girl Flynn was standing with walk up to the keyboard. I honestly felt like I could feel the nerves radiating off of her.

She takes a seat and hits few keys, but moves her hands away once she's done so. The girl in the camouflage lifts her head up and looks out into the gym as more and more students make their way out.

I notice how she looks at a certain place in the corner, and not over to the girl beside me.

"You got this!" A familiar voice shouts. Catching my attention I turn towards the voice and find that the three ghost boys are still here.

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