xvii. edge of great

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I HAD attempted to run out of school, and avoid going to Julie's to talk. But that plan failed-like I should've known-when Flynn had run up to me and turned me in the direction of Julie's house before I could try and push through the crowd of people.

No matter how many excuses I could've come up with to just go to my apartment, I knew I couldn't get out of this.

Now, I'm seated on Julie's bed with Julie next to me and Flynn pacing in front of us as she looks as if she's thinking.

"Okay," Flynn claps her hands together and that makes me jump a little, and I look up from where my eyes were trained on the bed to the girl in front of me who had stopped her pacing now holding up the song from my dream that I had transferred to paper. "You're gonna show Luke the song, right?"

My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets at that suggestion. "W-what? No, no. I will not be showing him the song. It's not even about him!" I state as I look between the two girls with wide eyes and mouth agape. While they look at me with 'I don't believe you' looks.

"Uh-huh, yeah. Because you totally didn't imagine you were dancing with him in the music room, singing a song with him that you created while dreaming. All this occurring while we were in dance class." Flynn states as she points an accusing finger at me and Julie nods along. "I thought we already determined this when we were in the music room."

All while that happens I am left speechless at what she just said, reliving what happened earlier in my head for a second. I really did all of that didn't I.

"I sang a song with him, big deal, it doesn't mean it's about him." I tell them, still holding onto the fact that the song isn't about him, and I hear Julie let out a small scoff.

"Not just a song, a love song . . . I mean, 'we say we're friends. We play pretend. You mean more to me. We create . . . The perfect harmony.' It's definitely about him," Julie recites the lyrics from the ending of the song and gives me a slightly teasing look.

I groan and fall back into Julie's bed. "This is all so complicated," I mutter as I look up at the ceiling.

"You didn't say no," Julie hums and I reach over and smack her arm.

"You have to have some idea on how you feel about him . . . Answer me this, how do you feel when you're around him." Flynn asks and takes a seat on the bed.

I keep my eyes trained on the ceiling as I think about how to answer for a few moments. "Weird, but it's not a bad weird." I state and when I glance at the two girls seated next to each other they give me blank looks, pushing me to continue. "I don't know, he just makes me feel kind of giddy and that stupid smile makes me feel like I'm going to throw-up, not in a bad way though, just in a weird way."

"Okay . . . summarizing all of that. Like Julie had said earlier, you have a crush on Luke. And I will hit you with a pillow if you try to tell me that I'm wrong," Flynn points at me, and I sit up from where I am and look at her with a cheeky smile on my face, deciding to test her.

"But you are wrong. I don't have a crush on him," I tell her and she just sarcastically laughs, and I watch as she grabs a pillow and throws her phone next to Julie.

"Can you please film this so I can look back at it later?" Flynn asks and Julie nods her head laughing as she grabs the phone.

"Oh, you were serious about that." I back away from her, towards the door and once I reach it I throw it open and run.

"Nope! You brought this upon yourself," Flynn shouts after me and I can hear Julie laughing as I run down the stairs.

I earn myself a weird look from Ray at the table on his computer, but then his eyes trail over to where the shouting voice is coming from behind me. The weird look vanishes and he looks back down at his computer, most likely not wanting to get involved.

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