Chapter One ~ A Desperate Fight on Helios

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          Of all the places you would expect to find yourself, Helios was not one of them. 

          Sure, as a Vault Hunter you figured at one point or another the other Vault Hunters would hatch a plan that would be risky and, for lack of better words, ballsy. However, you never expected them to suggest going to Helios and facing Hyperion - facing Handsome Jack - on his own turf. It just never seemed like the day would come. 

          To be more specific, Scooter offhandedly suggested the plan. He was downing a beer at the time, slouching in Moxxi's with a couple of others. To him, it was a joke about taking on a suicide mission. Barging into their space station, running in guns blazing on their floor. We would be utterly disadvantaged. As said, Scooter saw this as a suicide mission that he could joke about since it would never happen. Lilith, who overheard Scooter, did not share the same thought. She thought - with her ballsy attitude (there's that word again) - that it would be a brilliant way to catch Hyperion off-guard and possibly get the upper hand in this war that they were so horribly losing. And she was probably right; if only word hadn't gotten to Hyperion about it before you all attacked. 

          And so there you were, your fellow Vault Hunters beside you, face to face with all of the most dangerous and lethal Hyperion weapons and soldiers that Handsome Jack could drag out.

          And you were fighting. God, were you fighting. Fighting tooth and nail to get through the Loader Bots and turrets and all the other gadgets that were set up to obliterate you and your friends. There were grenades flying left and right, bullet being shot between every 0.001 second. That's all you could contribute, as well. Bullets, grenades, a jab every so often to the robot nearest to you. Even though that's all you could give, you gave it your all. 

          You charged ahead and hid behind a piece of debris, Tiny Tina not far behind you. You've learned not to worry about her, despite your very first impression of her - that she was kid. This was quickly replaced about ten seconds after meeting her by your second impression of her - she's a fucking psycho kid that can kick ass, regardless of her age and height. With her backing you up, you ran further ahead, shooting your way through hallways and Loader Bots, explosions following you thanks to Tina. 

          You kept running, almost aimlessly, simply trying to distract the bots from your friends, buy them time if necessary to get inside - to Jack. That's where you all assumed he was, at least; you didn't exactly know. Every time he spoke to you through your ECHO, you always pictured him swiveling back and forth in his office chair, shooting darts at a mini dart board. He sounded condescending, superior, like he couldn't give a rats ass if you threatened to kill him and everyone he's ever loved (that would be hard, as he's rarely loved anyone - even so, you wouldn't want to kill Moxxi). In fact, it's pretty certain that he didn't care. So in return, you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of sounding like you care, either. Maybe that's what pushed you to run through the halls haphazardly, shooting whatever robot you see in front of you. Making one last dash through the hall, you jumped behind a few boxes to block incoming bullets. Tina did a good job of clearing the way, throwing explosives and shooting things here and there. She went on ahead, and you were about to as well, until you heard muffled speaking from a room not too far. The voice, it sounded angry, caught off-guard. There was shuffling, and what sounded like the cocking of guns. Assuming this was just a low level Hyperion worker who wanted to get the hell out, you gave them no attention. After all, you weren't here to mindlessly slaughter - if you could spare anyone who didn't do anything wrong except try to earn a wage, then you would. 

          However, your act of passiveness quickly turned to a regret when the room door opened, and a bullet went whizzing right past your ear and into the box you were hiding behind. You growled, forgetting your previous given mercy as you reached for you gun and spun around, being greeted with a harsh punch in the face. You stumbled back, shocked. 

          "So, you Vault Hunters really had the balls to attempt to infiltrate MY company station?" The voice growled, clearly agitated. Footsteps came over and stopped in front of you, as you could see the pair of shoes planted before your eyes in your slouched position. Before you could move away, one of the shoes then swung up and kicked you in your face, knocking you back farther in the hall. The voice cackled, and that's when you realized how far you had ran into the Hyperion station. Far enough to end up near Handsome Jack's office. The figure kneeled down, and through your blurred vision from the direct kick to the face, you saw a masked man smile at you with his rifle resting on his shoulder. "How's that working out for you, sweetcheeks?" Jack smirked down at you. 

          What luck you have. 

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