Chapter Nineteen ~ Time With Tim

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          After your interaction with Jack, you decided that he needed some time alone. The stairs creaked as you stepped down to the first level of your home. You took a deep breath to recollect yourself after what happened. 

          When you went up to talk to him, you expected Jack to be angry or lash out. Seeing him in such a state of despair threw you off, to say the least. Seeing him that way, it felt unnerving - wrong. You sighed as to release all of those thoughts from your head for now. 

          You should probably get ready for that mission that Lilith wanted to send you on. 

          She said that you and Tim would be going... but you assumed that Jack would want to come along instead. You let out a soft chuckle at that thought as you walked across the room to grab your stuff. As you walked, you heard the sound of drilling and metal clinking against itself on the other side of the room. Glancing over, you saw Timothy tinkering away on his digi-jack watch, clearly trying to fix it. His brow was furrowed, and you could tell from the side that he was biting the inside of his lip slightly thanks to how concentrated he was. Your eyes wandered from his face to his body - he was slouching over a desk, one leg slightly propped up against his chair. The sleeves to his hoodie were rolled up, revealing his arms - one of them being a robotic arm. Just like yours...

          You recalled him showing his metal arm once before when first talking to Lilith. Thinking back, you subconsciously led your right hand to grasp your left arm, feeling the metal beneath your clothes. Maybe he could help you with figuring out how to use it?

          Making your way over to Tim, you stood slightly beside him as you watched him work. He hadn't noticed you yet... Gently, you tapped his shoulder with your finger. Almost immediately, he flinched back, accidentally pushing too hard on the drill, causing a loud whirring sound. Quickly, he snapped his finger off and locked the drill, looking back at you with a nervous smile. 

          "Y/N! You scared me, hah... don't do that please..." Tim laughed warily, putting the drill down on the table. 

          "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," you explained through giggles. It was a little funny. "I didn't think it would freak you out that bad."

          "Just tap on the desk or something next time, alright?" Tim asked with a small grin, now fully facing you in his seat. "What is it that you needed?" As a response, your eyes led to his arm. He followed your gaze, looking down at his cybernetic arm. "Something about this old thing?"

          "Yeah, um..." You began, slowly starting to roll up your sleeve. "I actually wanted to ask for some advice or information about this," you were able to ask, showing him your cybernetic arm. His eyes lit up as he stood up from his chair, almost immediately landing his hands on your arm.

          "Right! I totally forgot that you had one too!" Tim exclaimed - a wide smile was playing on his lips as he examined your left arm, sliding his hands up and down. He then looked up from it and made direct eye contact with you. It seemed as though he was looking for something in your eyes... this, of course, made you squirm. He noticed this.

          "Sorry! Sorry, it's just... you have the arm, but don't have an ECHO eye to go along with it!" He told you, his wide smile still plastered on his face. 

          "Is that... a bad thing?" 

          "What? Oh, no! Not at all! See, I don't have one either!" Tim pointed at his own eyes, making them wide so that you could see clearly. You chuckled a little at him, nodding. "ECHO eyes just made cybernetic arms easier to control, is all," Tim explained, holding out his own arm to show you. "I assume you haven't learned how to use it yet?"

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