Chapter Eighteen ~ His Angel

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          "Hey, killer, can we talk for a second?"

          Oh, fuck.

          Slowly, you turned around to face Lilith. You gave a nervous smile, glancing back to where Jack ran off to. 

          "Yeah.. of course, what is it?" You asked, now facing her again. She took one last sip from her cup before crushing it in her hands. 

          "Well, I want to send you on a mission," she began, throwing her cup away in a nearby garbage can. "I know you just got back, but I feel that you'd be the right person for this job - you and Tim, that is."

          "Well, what's the job?" You asked, your eyes glued on her as she crosses her arms across her chest. 

          "I want you to retrieve something for me," she told you, sighing softly. "Only problem is, is that it's located in the middle of the wreckage of Helios."


          Before you could respond, she continued. 

          "Everyone else here went there to celebrate our victory, I figured you'd also want to do the same. And at the same time, you could search for something we need. Kill two birds with one stone, y'know?" 

          "Yeah, I gotcha," you responded, thinking to yourself, "what is this thing that you need?"

          "It's some sort of ID chip or something, we think it could be used to retrieve old Hyperion data. It could be pretty damn useful," Lilith said, patting your shoulder with her hand. "Can I trust you with this?"

          You looked down at her hand, then back up at her. She wasn't going to let you back out of this. 

          "Yeah, of course, consider it done," you gave her a smile, meeting her hand with your own. She seemed satisfied, looking you up and down. Then, she released her hand from your shoulder. 

          "Alright, good, knew I could, killer," she smiled and began to walk off. "You can grab Tim and then the both of you go. Good luck, Y/N."

          Your eyes were glued on her as she walked away, disappearing into the crowd. Once she was fully gone, you broke to your house to check up on Jack. Of course he was Tim... you should've expected him to sneak around as him. 

          You swung open the door of your home to see Tim. He was pacing around, dressed in Jack's clothes rather than his own. He flinched once the door opened, his eyes flicking to look at you. 

          "Y/N! You're back," he began as you walked in and shut the door after yourself. "I tried to convince him not to go, but he was pretty set on going to the party. I hope he didn't cause too much trouble... he seemed pretty damn upset when he returned." You looked up to meet eyes with Tim. He was fiddling with his clothes, clearly nervous about the whole situation. You breathed in deeply, then smiled at him. 

          "I know, you did the best you could to stop him," you pat his shoulder gently, his gaze quickly landing on your hand. "Where did he go?"

          Tim was quiet for a few moments, his eyes stuck on your hand. "U-Um.. he went upstairs.." Tim responded, now looking at you. You gave Tim a small smile, then let go of him to head upstairs. Before you could get far, however, Tim grabbed your hand. You flinched and looked back to meet eyes with him. "B-Be careful," Tim told you anxiously, his grip loosening on your hand, "he can be pretty vicious when he's upset.."

          You watched Tim as he warned you, and you couldn't help but wonder how many times Tim was around an angry Jack and had to suffer from his temper tantrums. You squeezed Tim's hand once to reassure him. "I'll be careful.. thanks for the heads up, Timmy." 

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