Chapter Twenty Five ~ The Wreckage of Helios

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          The wreckage of Helios was an emotional sight, to say the least. Standing there, side by side with Jack, it wasn't too difficult to imagine an alternative way your interaction could've gone. If the both of you had argued just a bit longer, you would've been in that horrible crash together, dead underneath the cinders and rubble. It gave you a chill down your spine to even think about it.

          You glanced over to Jack, watching as he stared at the rubble that was once Helios. There was something distant in the way he looked, something that you had only seen when you first landed on Pandora with him, when he had seen Helios fall from the sky. Staring at his life's work in shambles, you imagined, would have that sort of effect on a person.

          Inside of yourself, you felt your stomach twisting into knots - you really did not want to go inside the wreckage. You were sure that Jack didn't want to, either. Technically, you didn't have to. But it would probably be smart to play along with Lilith until you figure out her plans, at the very least. 

          "Ready?" You asked. There was a sharp inhale followed with a slow exhale. The sound of Jack shifting his weight became apparent as he grabbed for his gun.

          "Am I allowed to say no?" Jack joked, his lips curling into a charming yet clearly nervous smile. "Well, I'm ready as I'll ever be."

          "You sure you want to follow me in? You can just-"

          "Look, cupcake, I'd rather just get this over with. Let's stop with the worries and finish this so that we can go back," Jack rolled his eyes, a hint of a grin still on his face to tell you that he didn't mean to be rude about it. It's just how he is. 

          Looking from him to the front of the wreckage, you nodded. 

          "Right, okay," you replied simply. 

          You both climbed up pieces of debris stable enough to hold your weight, making sure not to fall to the ground as you moved. Once you reached the entrance, you found that the debris had been moved, leaving a clear walkway into the building. Your eyes fell to the debris pushed to the side, suddenly feeling more uneasy than before. Has someone already been here? Are they still here? You looked to your companion, finding his gaze on the same pile of debris. 

          "We may encounter company..." he commented, his gaze meeting yours. You looked back to the entrance, peeking in slightly. 

          "Well... hopefully it's just a harmless looter..." you took a deep breath and began to step inside.

          "Yeah, on Pandora..." Jack rolled his eyes, following suit close behind you. 

          The old Helios station was almost unrecognizable buried beneath dust and scrap. With each step you took, an echo protruded from the depths of the rubble - it gave you chills down your spine. This wreckage, it was your doing. Well, not completely yours.. but you and your friends. So by default? The thought of it put a frown on your face. This was the goal of the vault hunters. Sure, on the surface it seemed like a good idea - destroy the one gleaming symbol of Hyperion, that would get rid of the company as a whole... right? If only you had thought of the minor details... 

          You passed by flipped over desks, broken mugs, cracked photo frames of families... in your friends' pursuit of greatness, they hadn't once considered the thousands of lives on board. The individuals that would be punished for one man's wrongdoings. Your eyes met a particular frame, picturing a father with his two kids. The glass was cracked, while the photo itself had collected dust... what had you done? 

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