Chapter Nine ~ The Ambush

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          A tad bit of gore warning up ahead! Nothing too bad - stuff that would be expected in a Borderlands-related story. Either way, just a heads up! Wouldn't want anyone to get unpleasantly surprised. Hope you enjoy the new chapter ;) ~rose

          The bandits that arrived at the house you've been squatting in with Jack didn't walk right in yet. At the moment, they were just circling it - as if waiting for orders to storm inside. From the distance, you heard the engine of a car as it pulled up to the side of the building. A figure hopped out, as he was talking through an ECHO to someone. 

          "Yeah, we found it. The boys peeked inside, said it looks like him. He's got the mask." The chief bandit swaggered toward the house, all the way up to one of the windows. Crawling quietly, you managed to hide yourself on the other side of the house. If you were to pop you head up through the window, the chief would be staring right at you. Crouched down, you could hear Jack's breath and he continued to sleep. Shit... they're gonna kill him in his sleep, aren't they... you thought to yourself, pulling out your pistol.

          "We got sight of him. It's definitely Handsome Jack - in some weird bandit-getup." The chief paused, listening to the other person's response. "You got it boss." The bandit then put the ECHO away, pulling out an SMG. He then turned away from the window and to his crew, addressing them. Taking the opportunity given, you hopped up and softly landed inside of the house. 

          "Jack... get up...!" You whispered, shaking his shoulders as to wake him from his sleep. Whilst shaking him, the chief began to speak. 

          "Alright, boys! Inside this house is Handsome Jack! Now, boss wants us to capture him - so as much as you may want to shoot his guts out, don't do it," the chief ordered. Your grip on Jack and the commotion outside had woken Jack up from his slumber. 

          "H-Huh... wh-" Jack began, but you threw your hand over his mouth to keep him from talking too loud. As evident from your situation before with the bullymongs, he has a tendency to do exactly that. 

          "Shh... get up quietly..." you ordered, picking up the bag as hushed as you could. Jack stared at you in confusion, then nodded his head, following your orders. Outside, the chief continued.

          "We'll serve him up nice and tied up to the boss, so she can incinerate him herself!" 


          All of a sudden, the voice of a bandit rang out. "Look! He's tryn' to get away!" With that, you and Jack froze. In unison, you slowly turned around to face the window, as a dozen or so bandits peered in back at you. 

          "....ah shit." Jack muttered, grimacing at the bandits.

          "Get 'em!!" The chief shouted, pointing at you from outside. There was a loud click of guns as you grabbed Jack's hand tightly and jumped behind a wall. Bullets whizzed past you, landing into the back wall. You threw your bag on the floor, zipping it open. Shouts echoed outside as footsteps sounded - at the same time, Jack was pulling out his pistol and cocking it. 

          "How the hell did these dickwads even find us?" Jack exclaimed, peeking his head from behind the wall. "-! Woah!" He yelped as he ducked, a bullet flying right past his ear.

          "I don't know, but get ready!" You yelled back, pushing him to the side so you were closest to the wall. Peeking out the slightest bit, you began to shoot back at the bandits that were still outside and shooting from the window. Beside you, Jack stood up and moved through the house, toward where the kitchen would be if there was one. You continued to shoot until all of the bandits outside were dead. You took the moment to reload your pistol and grab your assault rifle, staggering up to stand. Gunshots rang from the would-be-kitchen as bodies fell to the ground with a thump. You rounded the corner, walking through the house, shooting any bandit that made itself visible. 

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