Chapter Twenty Two ~ A Call to Keep You Company

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          The Pandoran sun began to saunter slowly down in the sky as time passed by. With every step you pushed into the sand, the more your cybernetic arm began to bother you. That skag really did a number on your arm, huh? Your right hand held the metal arm gently, as the wires connecting it seemed to be loose - one tug would take it right off. You grimaced at the thought of Jack finding out how your brand new arm was almost torn off. 

          Well... why should you care? If he had come along in the first place, your cybernetic arm wouldn't even be a problem. Even so...

          Letting out a soft groan, you manually lifted up your left arm, trying to turn the main connections on. It lit a damp light hue of blue as it glitched back and forth. Not even bothering to attempt to work it, you reached into your bag and dug out your ECHO device. 

          "I just learned new shit and I can't even use it..." you grumbled to yourself, fixing the weight on your shoulder from your bag as you fiddled with the device in your right hand. You made your way to contacts and slid through the list. Using a finger, you pressed on Timothy's name, activating a call. It didn't take long for him to answer. 

          "Y/N! Hey! How's the trip going?" Tim's voice called out, an icon of him showing up on the device. His cheery voice already faltered, however, as he said, "your not using your arm to call?"

          "No, uh," you fumbled, feeling bad for not being able to use the new things he pointed out for you. "Well, I was doing fine until I got attacked by skags. I was saved by a stranger, but not before one of them nearly tore off my cybernetic..." you groaned, recalling the pain of the skag playing tug of war with your arm.

          Concern and slight annoyance slipped into Timothy's voice as he responded. "And Jack didn't bother to help?"

          You rose an eyebrow. Tim didn't know Jack didn't go with you, which meant that Jack must not have returned back to your house after the argument?

          "He's... he's not here, didn't he return to the house?" You asked. 

          "No, he's not here at all, it's just been me all day!" Tim exclaimed, panic beginning to settle. "Shit, Y/N, you're all alone out there??"

          "Yeah, but I'm fine!" You responded, trying to calm him down. 

          "Fine? Your arm almost got torn off! Why didn't he join you?" Tim asked you in a panic. You were sure he was pacing around the house now, smiling slightly at the thought. 

          "I, uh... I punched him," you replied, a silence following. 

          " WHAT?" 

          "He was being a dick!" You defended yourself.

          "No, it's not-" Tim stopped, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts. "It's not that it's particularly a bad thing - in fact, someone really needs to set him straight every once and a while, so I'm glad you did punch him. I'm sure it was justified-" Tim chuckled kind of as you could hear slight wind against his mic. He was definitely pacing the house. 

          "It was. He almost ruined your reputation with Moxxi," you informed him.

          "W-With Moxxi??" Tim responded immediately. Something in his voice seemed shaken up. The wind increased, which meant he had sped up his pacing. "Shit! I mean, I barely talk to her anyways, kind of scared to, if I'm being honest, but I haven't anything against her! So she must be fine with me, right? I hope... unless Jack just screwed it all up!" Tim sounded annoyed. He stopped from talking to take a deep breath, as a tired sigh followed. "Well, besides that, did he do anything else stupid?"

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