Chapter Fifteen ~ The Firehawk

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          Who is at the door...

          You shared unsure glances with Jack and Tim as you realized something - no matter who it was at the door, one of them had to hide. 

          "Jack, get in the closet," you ordered, pointing toward a closet on the far end of the room. Jack's eyebrows rose as if he took offense to that, staring at you oddly. 

          "Me? Why not Tim?" Jack asked as you walked over to him, leading him towards the closet. 

          "Because you're both wearing different clothes! Plus, you'll act too much like yourself," you informed him, opening up the closet door and gently pushing him inside. "Shh, don't make a sound, alright?"

          Jack's jaw dropped as if he couldn't believe your audacity. He then shut it, gritting his teeth slightly as he accepted defeat. "He'll fumble it up, you know. He'll give me away!"

          "I'm a better actor than you think, jerk..." Tim whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes as he turned away from the two of you. Jack gasped, shooting his glare from Tim to you. 

          "You're just going to let him insult me like that?!" Jack huffed as you closed the closet door on him. 

          "I said don't make a sound, Jack!" You sighed heavily, walking back to Timothy. You gave him a small snicker at what he said to Jack. Someone had to put him in his place once in a while.

          Taking a deep breath, you walked up to the door. You grabbed the doorknob, twisting it. What - or rather who - you saw on the other side made you stiffen up. It was the Firehawk herself - Lilith. 

          She met eyes with you, her eyebrows raising slightly in surprise. 

          "Oh - Y/N! I heard some chatter about sightings of you, but I didn't think they were true. I was almost sure that you died up on Helios!" She gave you a friendly, yet slightly forced, smile. You laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your head. 

          "Yeah! But I survived, hah.." you responded, looking slightly to the side as to avoid her gaze. Is it true that she didn't send anyone after you on Helios? Was Ellie telling the truth when she said that it seemed that Lilith didn't care about your death?

          "And I see you've met Timothy, as well," Lilith added, nodding toward the doppelgänger beside you. You could tell he straightened up as Lilith mentioned him - it seemed as though he was nervous as well. 

          "Yep! We get along quite well!" Tim responded, giving her a friendly wink while nudging the side of your arm. You chuckled and nodded, giving the both of them a smile. 

          "How did you survive, Y/N?" Lilith asked, now facing you. At this, you tensed up. 

          "Oh y'know... I found an escape pod on the station and managed to open it! After landing back on Pandora, I navigated around and eventually found myself to a fast travel station! I was able to talk to Ellie on the way," you replied. Technically, you weren't lying. You were simply avoiding little truths in the story - such as bringing the Hyperion CEO along with you.

          "I see..." Lilith hummed, now pointing toward your new mechanical limb, "and your new shiny arm?" 

          Shit. Now you have to lie. 

          "Oh! This thing? I-I was attacked in the Dust, and thankfully Tim was around to save me! Not before getting my arm practically ripped off though!" You gave a nervous chuckle, yet you tried to hide it as if you were reminiscing. "He took me somewhere safe and began working on a new arm for me.." 

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