Chapter 5 - Continuing the council

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Ayla's POV


"The ring has great power, give it to Gondor and we will fight the enemy with its own weapon!" Boromir exclaims.

So thats where I interrupted, not a bad place, it could've been worse. I look around and see that Gimli's axe is still in perfect condition. I am really not looking forward to when he tries to destroy the ring.

"You can not wield it, no one can. The ring answers to only one in Middle-Earth and that is Sauron. It has no other master" Aragorn speaks up. I nod slightly agreeing with Aragorn.

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir replies, with a superior tone. The corners of my mout tug up into a tiny smile as I wait for Legolas to deliver his speech I know so well. I look at Legolas just as he stands up and says,

"This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance" I mouthe the words indistinctly, as Legolas says them, out of habbit. When he finishes talking I realise how foolish I was to mouthe the words. I could've blown my 'story'.....

"This", says Boromir looking at Aragorn with disbelief " is Isildur's heir?"

"He is also heir to the throne of Gondor" I say hurriedly before Legolas can. Legolas looks at me an we make direct eye contact. As I look into his beautiful blue eyes I can tell that his thoughts are along the line of you just stole the words out of my mouth. I smile sweetly at him before re-focusing on what is happening in the council.

Aragorn tells Legolas to sit down, and the elven prince obeys his friend.

"Gondor needs no king" says Boromir in a superior tone. If looks could kill, Aragorn would be dead. I zone out and think about what has happened in the last couple of hours and how none of these people sitting here know how this quest will change their lives. I zone back in as Gimli stands and picks up his axe.

"NO" I scream while I hurriedly get up, "you can not destroy it with a wepon crafted in Middle Earth that we possess. The ring can only be destroyed wher it was made, in the fires of Mount Doom"

I sit back down. Everyone is lost in their own thought judging by the looks on their faces.

"The ring must be taken deep into Mordor, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this" Lord Elrond informs us, well, technically not me since I already know but everyone else present. The coucil is silenced. Everyone looks at Lord Elrond in a stunned haze. Suddenly Boromir breaks the silence,

"One does not simply walk into Mordor"

I smile remebering all the memes made with this moment which is replaying right in front of my eyes.

"Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep and the Great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust...the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly" Boromir finishes gloomily.

I decide to steal Legolas' line again because I would rather skip the discussion between Legolas and Gimli.

"Boromir, going into Mordor is the only option we have left if we want to save Middle Earth. I believe it can be done, but it will be very dangerous" I direct my words to Boromir but the message is intended for the whole council. Before he stands up I know Legolas is going to say something, I suppose their argument is inevitable.

"I think some of the members have not been listening to Lord Elrond properly. He and Ayla have pointed out that the destruction of the ring is essential and for this to happen it must be taken to the fires in Mount Doom"

I look at Legolas and internally slow clap [sarcastically]. What a speech, he outdid himself there. Gimli, Boromir and a couple other elves and dwarves in the council that I don't know stand up and start shouting. I hear tiny snipets of the conversation: "dwarves aren't good either" and "If we fail?".

I finally hear Gimli's classic line and I say it in my head at the same time as him.

"Never trust and elf"

Gandalf stands with the help of his staff and leans on it. He clears his throat and says in a loud resounding voice,

"Do you not understand? While we bicker among ourselves, Sauron's power grows! No one will escape it. You will all be destroyed, your homes burnt and your families put to the sword!"

Everyone hears him, yet no one stops arguing. I look at Frodo who is trying to tell everyone something yet he is not loud enough. I get up and walk up to him. I give him a smile and then I raise my voice and yell,


Everyone falls silent and stares at me. I faintly furrow my brow before turning towards Frodo and nod encouraginly for him to speak. He takes a small step forward, gulps and says,

"I will take the ring to Mordor as I have already beared the burden of the ring. The only problem is that I do not know the way"

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bea" Gandalf says resting his hand on the young hobbits right shoulder. Aragorn kneels before Frodo and gently says,

"If, by my life or death, I can protect you, I will". Aragorn stands and continues, "you have my sword."

Gimli and Legolas step forward.

"You have my bow" states Legolas.

"And my axe" adds Gimli.

Boromir looks at them all then walks towards Frodo.

"You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done"

I am not going to let the chance of going on an adventure slip through my fingers so I rest my hand on Frodo's left shoulder and say in a confident tone of voice,

"Frodo Baggins, you have my sight"

Suddenly Sam, Merry and Pippin pop up from behind some bushes. Everything passes in a blur and before I know it Lord Elrond announces after surveying the group,

"Ten companions ... so be it. You shall be the 'Fellowship of the ring' "

 Pippin looks at Lord Elrond and says,

"Great. Where are we going?"

At this everyone bursts out laughing and it is a glorious sound.

 -- I am so sorry guys. I haven't been able to update recently and I feel kinda guilty :/ . I promise that I will try to update as much as I can but school is a bit busy.... Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? I changed my mind about elvish translation. When there is an elvish sentence I will  translate it inside some brackets '[ ]' . I would apreciate some feedback in the comments ^.^ Thank you so much for reading guys

If you see any typos/mistakes that you want me to fix just tell me xx

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