Chapter 10 - The Kraken attack in Moria

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Ayla's POV:

After 2 and a half weeks I am still relatively annoyed that they didn't believe me, after all, I am meant to know what happens on the rings' journey. I overhear the hobbits saying that I'm like a dwarf because I hold a grudge for too long. Ha! A dwarf! As if. I glare intently at them and Pippin lets out a small squeak, in fear I presume. To be fair, everyone says I am scary when I'm pissed off. We reach the gates of Moria and I let a very audible gasp. The wall is massive! I mean, I knew they were big from the books and the movie but I never knew how ginormous they really were. We all stop to admire the massive rock wall in front of us.

"The walls of Moria!" Gimli exclaims in awe.

Gandalf walk up to the spot in the wall that is framed by two very old and very beautiful trees. He gently touches the smooth rock wall and slowly, small luminous silver lines start appearing.

" mirrors only starlight and moonlight" Gandalf murmured.

In that moment, a big full moon rises over us making the silver lines keep moving while they get thicker and clearer. Finally, they stop moving and in front of us is a big glowing arch of interlacing ancient letters and symbols. By now everyone is at the door looking at it as if in a trance. I immediately recognize the symbols from the books and the movies.

" That says 'The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter' " I say, my voice clear and strong. I realize my mistake right after I close my mouth. Now they are going to think I can read dwarfish runes. I am such an idiot, I have to learn how to hold my tongue.

Gandlaf looks at me with a confused look on his face before asking, "You can read old dwarfish?"

I gulp and look everywhere except into the eyes of the fellowship, whom are all looking at me puzzled.

"Uhm, no, not really. I just, uh. I foresaw this moment a couple of months back and I remember what they meant".

The lie rolls off my tongue like water. I'm getting better at covering my mistakes, I can feel it in my bones. Most of them seem to believe it; Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas look a little bit suspicious. I see them exchange glances, but they end up shrugging it off.

"Anyways, what do you suppose that means?" Merry asks relieving the tension I caused beforehand.

"It's quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password and the doors will open" Gandalf replies confidently. He raises his hands and starts his incantation.


Nothing happens, except the wind picks up a little bit. I shiver and wrap my cloak around me a little bit tighter. I notice Frodo doing the same thing and smile.

Gandalf keeps chanting trying to open the door. We sense it will take a long time so we go and rest on the rocks near the lake. I see Aragorn talking to Sam with Bill in his hand. I jog up just as Sam finishes saying 'Bye Bill".
"Wait!" I exclaim.

Aragorn looks at me and furrows his brow.

"I want to say bye to Bill too. I have grown quite attached to him"

Aragorn and Sam shrug as I hug Bill.

"You are the only one who knows who I really am, keep my secret safe. I love you Bill" I whisper into his mane, making my words muffled so no one can hear what I said.

I turn around and walk back to the group wiping a tear away. I didn't want to see Bill go. I think no one sees me cry. That's until Legolas comes over and sits on the rock next to me. Our shoulders are touching and I'm pretty sure he can feel my body racking with silent sobs. That's one of my many skills, silent crying. Pathetic, I know.

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