Chapter 11 - The Moria tragedies

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Ayla's POV:

We walk for what I assume is about a day and  a half. I have no idea if the estimation is correct because it is so hard to tell what the time is down here. Everyone is relatively quiet, the mines don't feel right.

Suddenly, the path splits into three passages that all lead into darkness.

"I have no memory of this place" Gandalf announces after a few seconds.

I look at the three doors with the most fed up face I will ever manage to pull in my life. Even though which door we must go through I don't offer any help. I'm still pissed off. They didn't listen to me in the snowy mountains and they told me off for risking my life to help Legolas! I can hold a grudge, don't judge.

Pippin breaks the awkward silence.

"Are we lost?" he asks innocently.

"No. I don't think we are", Merry replies, " Shhhh, Gandalf's thinking".

They keep chatting but I tune out and start drifting off to sleep. Just when I'm about to fall into deep slumber I realize that Gandalf will leave us for a long time. Should I tell him about who I truly am? I think. After pondering on that thought for a while I decide that I should.

I wait for everyone to fall asleep when Gandalf will take first watch. I slowly get up from my sleeping bag and sit down next to him on the cool rock.

"Gandalf.... I've been meaning to tell you for a while" I start hesitantly, "but... I'm not who you think I am".

"Did you think I hadn't noticed?" he asks with a sly grin on his face.

I awkwardly grin and take a deep breath.

"I'm not from Middle-Earth. I was transported here from an alternate reality where there is a Solar System with 8 planets in it. I come from the only habitable one that we know of which is called Earth. On this planet, the fellowship's journey is a very famous fantasy book  that I have read countless times which is why I can tell what is going to happen. If you're wondering how I arrived here, I can sincerely say that I have no clue whatsoever".

Gandalf sits quietly and I swear I can nearly hear the cogs whirring inside his head while he thinks of something to say.

"Why would you tell me now?" he murmurs

At first I can't hear him but when he repeats himself I just shake my head, gulp and point to the right hand tunnel. Gandalf understands and jumps up, startling everyone.

"He's remembered" one of the hobbits exclaims.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down there" Gandalf replies with a twinkle in his eye. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose!"


After passing through the archway we reach an empty hall with a high roof upheld by many mighty pillars carved from stone and black walls polished as smooth as glass. I gasp at the magnificence of the dwarvish designs.

"Behold! The great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf!" Gandalf announce majestically.

I spot a smashed wooden door with arrows sticking out of it that breaks the elegance of the hall. It seems that so has Gimli since he starts running towards it withe the rest of us hot on his heels.

I squeeze past Gandalf to make it through the door. Everyone looks shocked at the sight in front of us. This chamber is lit by a beam of sunlight coming from a small hole near the roof. There are skeletons everywhere, both goblins and dwarves deceased in the battle that occurred. In the far corner there is a stone walled well. But what captures our attention the most is a single oblong block, about 4 ft/120cm high, topped with a big slab of marble.  I can faintly see runes, carved onto the white stone slab.

Gimli falls to his knees and starts to sob. I feel my heart break a little for my friend.

"Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria", Gandalf reads. "He is dead, then. It's as I had feared".

Gandalf carefully picks up the rotting remains of a book from the white stone slab. It looks as if it's been assaulted by a feral cat. He gently opens it and starts reading in a somber tone. I start to zone out until I remember Pippin. I look over at him to see that he's about to crash into the well.

"Pippin, be careful with the well behind you" I call out.

He whirls around to look at what I'm warning him about. In the process, his shoulder bumps a dangerously balanced skeleton that falls in to the well. Merry quickly grabs Pip so he doesn't fall after the skeleton. We all freeze in stunned silence as the armored skeleton clatters down the deep well echoing loudly.

Gandalf turns to Pippin angrily but before he can say anything I hurriedly butt in.

"Gandalf, we all know you think Pippin a fool at the moment and that he should throw himself in next time but there will be a big group of goblins here in less than 5 minutes." I say as quickly as humanly possible.

Everyone is staring at me with a very shocked expression on their face. I take a deep breath before continuing, "They have a cave troll, trust me on this one. We have to barricade the doors immediately."

As if on cue, a great horn blast thunders through the caves. The single horn is soon answered by various other horns. Frodo pulls Sting out of it's scabbard to see it glowing a steely blue.

"I told you so," I say cockily, "Now get a move on! They'll be  here soon" I finish off bossily.

Legolas, Faramir and Aragorn quickly close the doors and wedge them with old weapons from the skeletons.

Gimli snatches up two rusty dwarf axes and leaps onto the tomb.

"Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"


That is Part 1 of the events that occur in Moria. The next chapter will be up shortly :)

I am so sorry for the long wait, I've been horribly busy with everything and I couldn't really find inspiration to write... Sorry

Thank you so much for reading, it really does mean a lot to me. If you find any mistakes that you want me to fix pls tell me. If you liked this chapter make sure to let me know either by voting or commenting <3

Thank you, again, for reading. Love you xx

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