Chapter 3-Waking up

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Ayla's POV:

I wake up with a terrible headache. My whole body feels as heavy as an anchor. Really?! Noooo, you ere just in a car crash I think to myself sarcastically. I look up expecting to see a white bedroom with heart monitors and hospital beds but instead, the room I'm located in has stone walls with leaves and nature themes carved into them. It's a weird octagonal shape as if it were located on a tower and it has big arch glass-less windows. That's weird and slightly unsanitary  I think to myself again. As I take in my surrounding I realize that I only have a bandage wrapped around my head and a slightly swollen left wrist. I would've thought that being in a car accident that big would cause me at LEAST a broken leg or something like that.

As I inspected myself a woman enters my room. She's wearing a plain green cotton dress that adjusts around her chest and waist with a floor-length flowing skirt. She has honey waves down to her thighs that are kept from falling on her face with various complicated small plaits. As I looked at her my nerdy brain told me she's cosplaying as an elf, and quite a realistic one too.

"Excuse me, where am I?'

I ask as I clear my throat.

The lady looks at me and smiles softly.

"You are in a healing room in Rivendell"

She responds. Her voice is soft and sweet and it makes me feel safe.

"Wait, wait. Rivendell? As in the elven city in the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien??"

I ask with doubt in my voice.

"You are indeed in the elven city Rivendell. But I do not know of a Tolkien or what the Lord of the Rings is, however, I'll ask Lord Elrond as it is sure that he knows about them."

She replies with a reassuring smile.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. This could not be happening. Rivendell. As in Lord of the Rings. This is insane. I decided to ask a couple more questions before coming to a conclusion.

"So if this is Rivendell, you must be an elf right?"

The lady looks surprised by my question but quickly covers it up with another gentle smile.

"Yes, I am"

She says showing me her pointy ears. This girl smiles... a lot. Don't her cheeks cramp up? I think to myself.

"So uhhh..."


"Thanks, Larien. I have this ability where I uhh.. am able to uhh... see what will happen and uhh... I think it would be wise if I could uhh... Talk to Elrond"

I lie not as smoothly as I would've liked. Don't judge, I needed an excuse as to why I knew everything going on in Middle-Earth so I could warn Elrond about the future and accompany the fellowship on their journey.

"I'm sorry but Lord Elrond is in a very important council and can't be reached"

Larien states with a stern tone.

"Take me to the council, many peoples lives are at stake!"

I exclaim. I really need to get to this council before the fellowship members are finalized.

"OK, but you will need better clothes than a night gown"

I smile and Larien hands me a dress very much like hers but in white with small green embroidery details.

"I'll wait for you out side"

She adds before leaving the room and closing the door.

I quickly slip off the night gown and pull the dress over my head. I have no need for shoes as I know the palace is always clean and in pristine condition. I look in the mirror and nod. I look pretty good if I may say so myself. My long auburn locks cascad over the soft white fabric bringing out my big green eyes. The dress hugs my figure making me look very feminine. I quickly hurry out the door and motion for Larien to lead the way.

--- I really enjoyed writing this chapter :) I hope you guys enjoy it. The picture that accompanies the chapter is how I picture Ayla, but you are welcome to use your imagination. Tell me what you would like to see next and I may make it happen. Feel free to voice your opinion in the comments and to follow :))) the guys---
If you see any mistakes or typos that you would like to see fixed tell me and hopefully I will fix them ^.^ thx

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