Chapter 7 - Training

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Ayla's POV:


After a nourishing meal of wild duck and roast vegetables I excuse myself from the dining room and skip off to find the training area where supposedly Legolas is waiting for me. Most fangirls would check that their hair is ok and that they look 'hot', but I had my phase obsessing over Legolas 'in that way' so I walk confidently without giving a damn about my looks.

I get lost five times *facepalm* and have to ask seven elves how to get there... On Earth I am supposedly smart. As I near the door I assume leads to the training room I go through various things I have to remember, mainly my language. I go through the doorway which leads me to a big courtyard with many elves training. Some are doing target-practice while others are sword fighting against each other. I look around until I spot Legolas, he is looking at the arrows on a table. I walk up to him and clear my throat

"I knew you were there Ayla, your footsteps are very loud."

I laugh and he looks up grinning.

"So, what are you going to teach me today; sword fighting, how to shoot or how to use daggers?" I inquire impatiently. He rolls his eyes at my impatience and slightly chuckles.

"The first thing we will be testing are your hand to hand combat skills you say you have, follow me to the mats"

I follow Legolas over to the wrestling mats and chuckle, I have a black belt in aikido, tekwondo (3rd Dan) and karate (4th Dan). I position myself in front of Legolas.

"Do we just start, do we do anything beforehand"

Legolas chuckles and shakes his head. Okey dokey, I suppose I'll just start. I dart forward and as he throws a punch I catch it and twist his arm anticlockwise. I swing my body behind him so his arm is twisted behind him. He thrusts his head backwards expecting to catch me in the face but i duck and swing my leg out making him fall. We are now both on the floor so I get up on my knees and swing my elbow up into his face which he deflects with the side of his hand. There are a series of quick blows from both of us that are blocked by the other. Legolas gets to his feet and jumps back giving me time to get up myself. I think I'm going to show off a little bit. I attempt kicking the side of his head but he catches my leg on its way down and twists making me turn my back on him. I just roll forward bringing my leg with me. I see him fly over me and land with a somersault in front of me. I jump propelling myself with my calves and we collide we roll while trying to defeat each other until I catch his right wrist under my knee and his left wrist with my elbow so he can't move either of his arms. I then lightly tap our foreheads which in a real fight would've been a strong head but. I get up and offer my arm to help him get up. As I look around I notice that some of the people in the room were watching us, one of them being Aragorn. I slightly smile and turn to Legolas.

"I must admit that you are pretty good" Legolas says while nodding.

I smile. OMG Legolas, the legendary elven prince everyone loves just said my martial art skills are good. If I had a Wikipedia page that would look sick on it!

"I think I will teach you how to incorporate daggers into your combat skills"

We spend two hours training with daggers. I pick it up pretty quickly since I already have a basic set of fighting skills. When Legolas is happy with my level of dagger management we move onto sword fighting. I pick up a human made sword and grunt. Holy sh!+. This sword is really heavy. Next I pick up an elvish blade and smile. It is not light but it is light enough that I am able to swing it around. We train until I am drenched in sweat and I am gasping for air.

"You have potential Ayla", Legolas says, "I think you are ready to buy some weapons of your own"

I gasp, I had no idea I had come this far in one day!

"Really?! My very own sword and daggers?!"

Legolas chuckles and nods. I whoop and do my mini victory dance which causes Legolas to burst out laughing.

"Go and clean up, I'll meet you outside your room in half an hour"

I run through the halls till I reach my room. I then clean up and put on a white tunic with green embroidery and some green leggings with my brown boots.

~~~~~~ In weapon shop~~~~~~~

Legols POV:

"There are many types of weapons and to fight properly you must choose one that feels like an extension of your arm." I say as we examine some swords. I hand her a silver blade with a crystal handle. She tests it out but I snatch it out of her hands. That was very unnatural. I pick out a sword with a thin silver blade and a wooden handle engraved with golden swirls.

"Here, try this sword" I say as I hand Ayla the sword. She takes it and swings it around to test it out. I watch her and nod. It is meant for her, apparently she thinks the same thing as she smiles at me and then at the sword. We go over to the dagger section and I wander around looking for some daggers for her.

"Legolas, I think I found the perfect set of twin blades"

I turn around and gasp. She has Tauriels daggers. I bite the inside of my lip. I'm not sure if that scar has healed yet.

"Are you sure Ayla? Let me see"

I really don't want her to take them, but if they are a perfect match then she shall have to buy them. Ayla swings the daggers around and I have to agree with her, they are perfect for her. I nod and we go over to the counter so we can buy the weapons. We get a discount on the daggers and then we leave the shop.

"Thank you Legolas, for training me and helping me choose out some weapons"

She speaks lightly. Most ellon would be chasing her romantically but I have started to see her as a sisterly figure. I smile at her. We then say goodbye and go to our rooms to rest, tomorrow is going to be a very long day.

OMG I reached 100 reads! I know it doesn't seem like much but I didn't expect it! Thank you <3 The picture is what I think her weapons look like but you are welcome to imagine them yourself :) Feel free to express your opinion in the comments and if you feel generous please vote. I really enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you like reading it.
If you see typos or mistakes please feel free to tell me ^.^

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