Chapter 12 - The troll that won't friggin' die!

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Ayla's POV:

The door bursts open with a big crash and a shower of wooden fragments. 20 Goblins charge in snarling. I quickly draw my twin daggers before allowing myself to take some time to look at them. They are ugly! They have yellowish wrinkled skin, a bit like Roz from Monsters inc, or as if a banana had sex with an avocado. They have disgusting yellow teeth and yellow eyes with horrible bags. Some of them have wisps of black hair... a bit like Donald Trumps'. Yeah, they're THAT ugly. But that's not the worst thing that bursts through the door. A massive cave troll comes bounding in. Now THIS thing is ugly. It's eyes are so far apart and it's skin is wrinkled and green, yellow and brown and just... ew. It has a bigger beer belly  Homer Simpson's... If Homer was as tall as the cave troll. It could almost pass as offspring of Senator Palpatine and a hammerhead shark that is somehow really large.

I am shoved out of the way of a spear aimed at my shoulder. I look up at my 'savior' to find Aragorn staring at me worriedly.

Thank you I mouthe as I move into the battle. I duck under a sword and aimed at my neck and slice behind the goblins knees making him buckle. I then proceed to ram the hilt of my right dagger on his head successfully knocking him out. I move onto a goblin who is moving toward the hobbits and stab him in the back. I take a second to look at everyone to make sure everyone is alive. Gimli is going berserk swinging his two axes, Legolas is firing arrows from a ledge. Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir are deep in battle wielding their heavy swords. While the hobbits are in a corner waiting for instructions.

I sheathe my twin daggers and take out my elven blade. I once again find myself running into battle. I cut off a distracted orc's head and direct my sword over my head while spinning on my heels. I bring it down onto another Goblin. I look up to see the cave troll sweeping it's club at Aragorn who stumbles backwards. Legolas keeps firing arrows at it and Boromir's slices into the creature's arm with his longsword. I run over to the troll and stab it's left ankle repeatedly until my sword manages to get stuck... Great! While I try to tug it out Gimli throws one of his axes straight into the troll's pec which makes it mad it runs towards Gimli and I lurch forward landing on my back. I quickly get up and unsheathe my twin daggers. The cave troll is swings it's hammer and knocks Gimli down. Two goblins charge at me from the side but I sidestep and plunge my daggers deep into his gut. I wrench them out and aggressively stab the second one right between the eyes.  I whip my head around expecting to see more goblins running towards me. And of course, I'm right. I move out of the way and once he's passed me I stab it in the gut. As there are no immediate threats nearby I make my way towards the troll... where my sword is still stuck in that creatures leg.

As I run towards the troll Legolas shoots it with a double arrow which obviously makes it mad. It swings the chain towards my pointy-eared friend. He ducks avoiding being flung half way across the room... unlike two goblins that were sneaking up behind him. The creature swings the chain around again only this time it gets stuck. I take this opportunity to wrench my sword out of it's leg at the same time as Legolas fires some arrows into its skull. Yet, it still doesn't friggin' die!

The troll finally realizes that in order to be able to move it has to let go of the chain. It runs after Frodo while I chase it.

I spend some time climbing over rubble and what not.

"Aragorn! Aragorn!" I hear Frodo scream with despair.

I turn a corner to see that the troll has cornered Frodo.

"Hey you!" I scream at the cave troll.

It doesn't turn around so I throw one of my twin daggers. It buries itself in the trolls arm with a sickening thud.

It swings it's arm which flings me away from them. I brace myself for an impact that never comes. Instead, I'm caught by a 'ball' of wind that releases me gently. Thankfully, I'm able to land on my feet.

I start sprinting towards Frodo (again) when the cave troll lunges forward, thrusting at Frodo's chestwith his spear and slamming him against the wall.

We all go nuts. Sam slashes at the cave troll's knee,bringing him down while Merry and Pippin jump on him and stabbing it repeatedly. I throw my remaining dagger and it embeds itself in the troll's left shoulder. Finally, Legolasfires an arrow into the trolls throat and the cave troll topples, dead.

I sprint to Frodo's side and prop him up. The fellowship share a few tense glances. Finally, Frodo coughs and takes a deep breath of air.

"He's alive!" exclaims Sam gleefully.

"I'm alright," mumbles Frodo,"I'm not hurt."

"You should be dead. That spear would've skewered a wild boar" remarks Aragorn.

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye" says Gandalf wisely.

Frodo opens up his shirt revealing a Mithril vest. I smirk knowingly.

"Mithril! You are full of surprises, Master Baggins" marvels Gimli.

Our moment is broken by screeches and the sounds of drums. Gandalf looks up before commanding,

"To the bridge of Khazad-dum!"


Heyyy, I updated again. Twice in a week :)

This chapter has a lot of action, which I'm getting better at writing /hopefully/  If you think the way I write action needs altering please let me know so I can improve ^.^

It's getting closer to the end of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' which is kinda crazy.

I edited some of my earlier chapters because they were dodgy, feel free to re-read them.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it :) if you liked this chapter let me know by voting or commenting <3

If you see any typos or grammatical errors that you want me to fix feel free to tell me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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