Chapter 8 - Setting off

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Aylas POV:

I wake up at the crack of dawn to a loud knowck on my door. I rub my eye and then scratch my head making my hair extremely messy. The knocking continues, well, it is more like pounding. I sit up and yawn.

"Come in" I say in a sleepy voice. The person knocking, more like people, come in. It is Aragorn, Legolas and the hobbits.

"Ayla, we were meant to set off as soon as the sun appeared in the sky. Why are you still in bed?" Aragorn speaks calmly without sounding overly annoyed. Setting off? OH SH-! The fellowship! I totally forgot.

"Oh my, I am so sorry, I'll be out soon. Give me half an hour" I say hurriedly while getting out of bed and heading to the wardrobe. The guys leave and I am left alone in my room. Okay, I have 30 minutes to have a shower, well a bath and get everything ready. I head into the bathroom where I am surprised. The bath has been filled for me. I touch the water and am relieved when I find it is still warm. I quickly peel off my nightie and get in. I scrub myself since this is the last bath I am going to have in a long time. I wash my hair and am disappointed when I can't find a bottle of conditioner. Oh well, messy hair it is. I then dry myself and put on a pair of brown riding pants/leggings type of thing and a green tunic with a brown long sleeved tee underneath. I the proceed to put on the boots I have grown to love in a day. Honestly, they are the most comfortable thing EVER. The elves should get an award for boot making. I grab my weapons and strap the sword onto my belt and my daggers across my back.

"Ayla, are you ready?"

I hear Merry ask from the hallway.

"Yes, give me a minute to check everything"

I answer back. I scan what was my temporary room making sure I have everything. I look in the wardrobe where there is a small backpack. How convenient. I grab it and race outside where the others are waiting. As I arrive I see that not everyone is ready. I scan the crowd looking for lord Elrond and when I find him I jog towards him.

"Lord Elrond, do you have a notebook and a writing device that I could take with me to keep a diary of sorts?"

I am hopeful that he does. Wait, did I just say 'writing device'?! Oh my, I hope he takes it as a joke but honestly, I have no idea what they use. Lord Elrond chuckles lightly and answers with a simple

"Follow me"

We walk through several hallways until we stop outside a wooden door with nature themes carved into it. Lord Elrond takes a key from around his neck and unlocks the door. The inside of the room is spectacular. There are tall shelves crammed with books that are all shapes and sizes. There is a map of Middle-Earth pinned on the right wall and a wooden desk with golden lining in the center. The desk is filled with papers and stacked books.

"This is my study and if I am not mistaken I should have a notebook I could spare for you"

He walks up to his desk and opens a drawer. After rummaging in it he finds a red leatherbound notebook and a plume. He hands them over to me and then moves a stack of papers off something. That 'something' is a marble box that has several chipped corners. He opens it and takes out a bottle of black ink. He smiles at me and hands me that as well.

"Thank you. I appreciate your kindness"

We walk back to the rest of the Fellowship where they are all ready to go. I hear Aragorn talking quietly to Legolas

"Do we have everything? Water, food, bed rolls, weapons..."

"Yes Aragorn, I triple checked. Everything we need is either on Bill's back or on our shoulders. We should leave now so we can cover some ground"

Gandalf clears his throat and we all turn towards him.

"Shall we?"

He motions towards the steep path that leads out of Rivendell. We all nod and start walking.

————-2 days later—————-

'It has been 2 days since we left Rivendell and I am missing certain comforts such as beds and clean clothes. The landscape is beautiful, I should move to New Zealand if I ever get out of Middle-Earth.'

We are resting on a hill with multiple rocks and I take the oportunitty to write in my diary thing. Sam is cooking what looks like sausages on  a small campfire he started while Boromir and Aragorn are teaching the rest of the hobbits the basic sword fighting skills. I look down at my diary and decide to sketch some of the weapons resting on a nearby rock. I start with Gimli's axe and then I move onto Legolas' bow and quiver. I close the book when I see Sam coming towards me.

"Would you like somethin' to eat Ayla?" Sam asks me showing me the contents of the pan.

"I would indeed Sam"

I smile at him as he hands me a plate and piles two sausages on it. Sam smiles back and looks up to the sky.

"Um, what is that?" Sam says hesitantly pointing at what I know is not a cloud.

Gimli looks up and grunts,

"Its nothin' lad, just a wisp of a cloud" he says gruffly.

"It's moving fast... against the wind" Boromir adds worriedly.

Everyone squints trying to see the "cloud" better.

"Cerabin form Dunland!" Legolas exclaims. I put out the fire with some dirt while the others clear the other stuff to make it look like we weren't there. I then dive into some large bushes earning myself some scratches on my hands and face. I feel someone beside me and I look at them. It is Frodo and next to him is Sam. I hear the Cerbain fly overhead. God they are noisy.

After what seems like forever I hear Gandalf come out of his hiding spot. Slowly, the rest of the fellowship come out as well.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage South is being watched" Gandalf informs us sternly. I gulp even though I already knew it. Aragorn and Gandalf share some glances before they come to a conclusion.

"We must take the pass of Caradhras"

We make sure everything is in place and we continue our long journey.

Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter? Wattpad erased half of my last a/n and it wouldn't let me re-write it :( I want your opinion, should Ayla fall in love with a fellowship member? If you think she should tell me in the comments bellow ^.^ Also, I might change my cover but idrk. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :) The image is what I pictured Ayla wearing minus her weapons.

If you see any typos or mistakes in general feel free to tell me

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