Chapter 1(Flashback)

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Amanda was sitting her on her bathroom floor in tears. She looked at the pregnancy test in her hand."Manda are you ok." Nathan asked.

She knew that if she didn't answer he would barge in but if she did he would hear the sadness in her voice."I'm fine Nate." Her voice was shaky and weak.

"No your not."

She knew one thing that would shut him up for sure."I'm fine my period just came and it hurts."

"Amanda your lying open the door." Nathan ordered.

Amanda hid the test in her pocket and opened the door."Yes Nate do you need something." Her voice was shaky but she had other things that she had to worry about."I gotta go i have to go see my boyfriend."

Amanda brushed past him and ran to her room. She locked the door behind her putting the test in her purse. She grabbed her jacket and keys and walked out. She was going to Karen's Cafe she knew that her brother would be there. And unlike Nathan she didn't havea  problem with him. She also knew that she was going to need the support.

She walked in and seen Hunter sitting in a desk."Are you ok."

"We need to talk. Something i need to tell you."

"What's wrong?"

"i'm pregnant. No i don't know how my birth control messed up but it did. And i don't know what to do."

"Excuse me."

"I don't know what to do."

"I can't do this sorry Amanda i can't be a father." He got up and left

She was in tears.
Haley ran into the river court and went to Lucas."Luke."

Lucas put down the ball and looked at her."What's wrong."

"It's Amanda she's pregnant. I was working at the Cafe i seen her tell hunter he says he's leaving he's not ready to be a father. I doubt she told Nathan."

Lucas dropped the ball and ran off.
Nate walked into the bathroom and seen a pregnancy test box in the trash."Oh mandy."

Amanda ran out the grill she got into her car and started to drive. When she stopped she ended up at a clinic. She got out and walked in she didn't know what she was about to do.

She walked upto the desk signed in and had a seat soon she was called back."Amanda how can i help you."

"I think i'm pregnant."

The doctor handed her a cup."Pee into the cup i'll test it and if its positive i'll give you an ultrasound."



Hunter was laying in his room he ran his fingers through his hair. There was a knock on the door."Come in."

His mother came in making him sit up. She glared at him."Whatever you want to take pack it up were leaving first thing in the morning and you've got a vistor you might want to tell her that your leaving Hunter."

"Fine Mother." He got up and headed downstairs. He opened the door and seen Amanda sitting on the stairs."What are you doing here."

"I went to the clinic. I got an ultrasound." She sat it down."I'm 3 weeks pregnant and i'm not a cheater like my twin brother. I'm not aborting my baby."

"Tomorrow i'm leaving." Hunter said.

"Good for you. I just wanted to tell you. You can keep the ultrasound i don't want it. I have to go tell my brothers that i'm a faliure and am going to amount to nothing. Because i got pregnant in the 11th grade lucky fucking me." Amanda got up and started to walk away.

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