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The cheerleaders were standing on the side of the court cheering as the teams came out. They knew this was hard for all of them it was the first game back since Keith had died. They watched as Lucas left the court then the team forfeited. "We knew this was going to be hard for all of us."
Amanda was walking with Brooke when Mouth stormed over.  "What are you two doing to Rachel?" He knew they worked as a team at everything. 

"What are you talking about?" Amanda hadn't done anything to Rachel yet at least

"We don't care about your skank-fatuation." Brooke didn't care how much he liked Rachel it didn't matter to her Rachel had what was coming to her. "We aren't doing well remember leave us alone."

"She's done nothing to you two." Mouth thought the two would have learned after what they had been through that it wasn't worth it. 

"I didn't do anything to her. I should have but i didn't." Amanda could have made her life a living hell already but she had refrained.

Brooke scoffed she knew Amanda was being tame but she couldn't do that with her because Rachel had crossed a line. "She tried to take our squad. Or Rouge Vouge or strip basketball with my boyfriend or humiliating me in front of all of my friends last weekend. Or what about anything she has done to Amanda?  Stop me anytime 'cause i can go on and on."

"The picture Rachel said that it was someone she knew." And she had said she was gone just like Jimmy edwards. 

"What picture?" Amanda asked she seriously had no idea what Brooke had done.

Brooke dug into her bag taking out the picture and handing it to him.  "Yeah well fine maybe you should read the back of it."

He turned the picture around reading it before looking back at her. "The flyers where else are they."

Brooke hummed starting to take a few steps as she named the places where she had left the flyers. "Well there's a couple at the school a few at tric, Karen's cafe, numerous convience stores around town. It's my turn to have a little bit of-"

"BROOKE." They both turned to look at him he was sure they would have learned their lesson by now. "Didn't you learn anything from Jimmy's death."

They watched as Mouth walked away Amanda looked to her best friend wanting to know why she hadn't been involved. "Why wasn't i in on this?"

"Sorry Baby Mama but there are some things that i have to handle myself. "Brooke smiled to Amanda and walked away as Hunter approached.

"What was that?"

"I wish i knew."

Amanda woke up to her phone ringing she reached over grabbing her phone as Hunter groaned. She looked seeing it was her brother who was calling. "Hello."

"Uncle Cooper is in town." He knew that his sister would want to be made aware of it so she could see him.

"What?" She hadn't seen or talked to her uncle for a few months since he was always busy.

"Yeah, he's at my place."

"I'll come by and see him in the morning. How long will he be here?" She knew her uncle was always busy and didn't really stay in the same place for long.

"A while he found a new girl model his type." Nate knew him and Amanda were very aware of the girls their uncle went through.

"Of course." She wasn't surprised and knew her uncle ran through models.

"Go back to sleep you sound tired."

She was tired she was pregnant didn't feel good and had a baby. "Have you met my kid of course i am goodnight."

Amanda knocked on the door to her brother's apartment. "Come in."

She opened the door seeing her uncle Haley and Nathan sitting at the counter. She went over to him giving him a hug. Uncle Coop nice to see you."

If he knew where she had lived he would have definitely went to see her instead he did have his choice of favorites. "Amanda. How is my favorite Niece."

"Only niece." Amanda reminded she was the only girl it was terrible growing up with protective brothers.

"Not anymore your brother is married." Cooper reminded he was happy for Nate that he had settled down and was happy.

"True." SHe nodded in agreement she was happy Haley was her sister-in-law. And hoped she would be getting another one soon.

"Where is Naomi?" Cooper wanting to see his baby niece while he may have not liked that Amanda had turned up pregnant he loved to spoil her.

"With Hunter." She had needed to talk to him first before letting him meet her boyfriend.

"He's back." Cooper was surprised but he was happy Amanda wasn't doing this alone he had never wanted that for her.

"Yes he is and before you meet him i have to have the you better be nice to my boyfriend talk." Amanda was not letting her uncle meet Hunter without this talk because she needed him to be nice,

"I'm a nice guy." Cooper didn't think he was ever mean to everyone well except Dan on occasion but he deserved it.

"Yeah unless someone hurts you or someone you care about. But be nice to him." Amanda didn't care if he was upset she had forgie him so she needed him to do it to.

"Fine." Only because it was her asking otherwise he wouldn't be able to promise that.

"Thank you."

"And he kind of deserves it." Nathan knew that Hunter loved his sister and he knew they would be good together.

Haley nodded in agreement she knew Hunter would do anything for Amanda. "He's right." 

"What am i missing?"

"Amanda almost died when Keith died. She got shot he me and him ran into the school to get them." He knew Hunter had been just as worried as she had.

"And I'm fine i made it."
Amanda got back to the house seeing Hunter sitting on the couch with the three girls surrounding him all three of them sleep. "That looks comfy."

"It is not."

Lily was sitting in her room sketching Kylie was lying next to her watching her when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Larry opened the door looking at the two. Lily looked up at him knowing already where this was going.  "Don't even think about the sex speech dad."

"I wasn't."

"Yeah sure you weren't." She knew better than to believe that while her dad was happy she preferred girls she knew it wouldn't stop the speech.

"My sister has a guy over at our house i wasn't really comfortable with being over there."

Lily groaned she had hoped the picture Brooke stole would have really ended up everywhere but she knew that was more of Amanda's territory. "I wish Brooke would have gone ahead with that picture." 

Kylie looked at her confused while she had seen the picture of her sister she hadn't been sure who got ahold of it. "How do you know it was Brooke?"

Lily smirked she knew exactly how Amanda was when it came to her revenge and unfortuamly that was where Brooke and Amanda differed. "Amanda would have put who it was and went through with it the difference between my best friend and Peyton's best friend is that one  has a heart one will get her revenge."

"OK then."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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