chapter 5

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Amanda woke up to her phone ringing. She sat up grabbing her phone seeing that Haley was calling her. She answered it putting it to her ear.  "Yes sister of mine?"

"Where are you?" She had called to see where Amanda could have gon ebut all had said they didn't know where she was.  And she finall decided to answer the phone. "You didn't come anywhere that i know and Keith said you weren't home."

"Why are you calling?" She didn't feel like answering her right now they were just going to scold her. And she didn't want to hear it.

Haley knew that Amanda was seconds away from hanging up on her. So she was just going to get straight to the point. And she knew that Amanda was going to want to be here for this. "Brooke slept with Chris."

"Oh god give me give me and hour." She knew that if they were telling her then obviously her brother knew to and she new that Brooke must not have been doing good.

"Ok where are you?" She was not relenting just that she had an idea of where she was but she wanted her to say it.

"I was sleep." And she was enjoying her sleep and now she had to go deal with something. And she didn't think she was going to like how it went.

"Where?" She still wanted to know where Amanda disappeared to Lily had told her that she had come and taken Naomi.

"I'll be there soon." She was stil not answering that she would tel them later.

"Alright." Haley knew that it was pointless. "Your car is still here?" That's how she knew that she was either still with Hunter or he had dropped her off somewhere.

"Bye." She hung up outting her phne on the dresser. She didn't want to get up but she wouldn't leave Brooke like that.

"Why are you up?" Hunter murmured he knew that she had never been a morning person. And he didn't think that changed over the last year.

"I need you to take me to Brookes." She couldn't let her be by herself she wouldnf't do that to her.

"Take my car." He was to tired to get up he knew that she wouldn't crash his car. "You can take Kelly if you want she hates being in th house." He knew that he should try to get her out more but she didn't like to go anywhere.

"Ok i'm taking her but your keeping Naomi."

After changing Amanda went to knock on Kelly's door. "Come in."

She opened the door to see Kelly sitting on the bed playing with Naomi. Both were laughing. "Hey want to come with me?"

"Is my brother ok with that?" She knew her brother knew the people in town but she didn't.

"Yeah he suggested i take you with me. He's going to keep Naomi." Her daughter did need some time with her father. She deserved to know both of her parents.

"Alright. Just give me a minute." She picked up Naomi handing her over to Amanda. It would be fun being out of the house without her brother watching over her. She knew that he was just looking out for her but sometimes it got a little to much.  "She looks a lot like him." Naomi looked a lot like her brother and none like Amanda which also amazed her.

"Yes she does." She knew that her daughter copied him and she was a little jealous of that. "Well ready when you are we're taking your brothers car."

"He's letting you drive his car?" Her brother never let anyone touch his car it was his rule.


"Alright meet you downstairs." She didn't know much about Amanda but she knew that she liked her already.

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