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A/N: This chapter is specificcally going to be Amanda going through the 5 stages of greif
Amanda and Nathan had just finished their daily 'workouts' the free throws and the flips. They headed inside seeing there mom and dad talking to their uncle Keith. "Uncle Keith." She ran over to him hugging him they didn't see him often once a month and he always traded with taking one of the twins.

"Hi princess." He and Amanda had the same routine everytime he would come he would take her to see Luke since she didn't get to see him anyother time except at school.

"I'm not a princess i'm a gymnast." Despite her dad forcing her to be a gymnast she truly did like flipping.

He wasn't sure how much Dan had influenced her in that aspect. "A gymnast huh."

"Yeah. I like to flip and i'm good at it." She really did like it even if her dad didn't understand that she didn't just do it because he had made her.

"I bet you are." He knew how much Amanda liked the times when they could and spend time with Karen and Lucas. Although she would never tell her parents or brother about what they did. "I got a surprise for you."

"Hey what about me?" Nathan never knew about the things that they did when they went out all he knew was that it always made Amanda happy.

Amanda turned to glare at her brother it was her turn they did this fairly and it would stay that way. She wasn't letting him take that away from her. "He took you out last time it's my turn."

"Right you are. " Keith knew that it was all fun and games with these two but they didn't always agree with the trade off.

"Where are we going?" She knew the answer but they didn't need to know where he was taking her everytime.

"It's a surprise."

"Bring her back before dinner Keith." Deb knew that the kids liked spending time with their uncle and they didn't get to see him often because of him and Dan's fued that they had going on.

"No problem Deb lets go."

They were all stading at the service. Amanda was standing in the front with Lucas. He went to pick up dirt first she felt the tears cloud her eyes. She walked foward picking up some of the dirt and sprinkling it on his casket. She walked back to her brother who pulled her into him. "It's going to be ok. Everything is going to be alright." He knew that this was hard for his sister. Not only did their uncle allow her time to spend with her brother that her dad never allowed. But he took her in when her parents had kicked her out giving her a place to stay and always did the best he could with the little he had.

Her arm still hurteed from when she got shot but the doctors had given her stitches and some pain relievers that wouldn't hurt her baby. And put her arm in a splint for the next couple weeks.
Amanda was sitting on Hunter's bed watching Kelly and Stacey play with Naomi. She knew that everyone was heading over to Karen's but she just wnted the time alone. She had wanted to stay at the plot with Lucas and Karen but she had felt like she would just break down and she needed to get away. "You ok?"

She shook her head wiping the tears away she didn't understand what had happened. Jimmy hadn't wanted to kill anyone and then suddenly he killed someone he knew all his life. "It doesn't make any sense why would he let me go just to go and kill Keith"

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