chapter 7

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This chapter is about to be stupid long i am about to try to put as much of episode 3x13 as i can write I am going to do more than just Amanda Lily Hunter and Kylie because i just love this chapter so much so expect Naley.
"You sure you can take me home this storm is bad." Lily looked around at the skys it was pouring and it was getting worse by the minute. She didn't want them to end up crashing. No one needed to be out in this storm.

She knew that Lily was right but she refused to leave her stranded. She wasn't her sister she wasn't that cruel. And Lily had always been nice to her but she did have a bad history with girls and people in general. "Well we're not that far from my place do you just want to go there?"

"Is your sister home?" She didn't want to go there if Rachel was going to be there she was already ready to fight her. And seeing her was just going to make it worse.

She shook her head she knew how her sister prefered to spend her nights. And at home wasn't it. She was happy about that though. "No she's with some guy."

"Sure why not." She didn't see any reason why she couldn't go it was better then them dying in this storm.

Amanda was packing up Naomi to go she didn't want to be with Hunter longer than she had to. "Amanda are you sure you want to drive in that storm." He didn't care if she was mad at him or refused to talk to him. He knew that he was in the wrong but he was not letting her risking her life. Just so she didn't have to be near him.

She stood turning to look at him maybe she did miss being with him but she couldn't do it. Now right now. "It was fun pretending that we were a couple again but we aren't."

"Amanda i don't care about us being a couple right now." Yeah it was good to put the past behind them but that didn't matter right now. He wouldn't know where to begin if they died in this storm. "You can't drive in that what if you get into an accident."

"I can't stay here." She refused to stay here she just wanted to get home with her daughter.  Before he could answer her phone started to ring. She took it out of her pocket answering it. "Hello."

"Where are you?" Keith had to make sure that his niece was safe especially because he knew that Naomi was usually with her. And he didn't want any of them getting hurt or worse.

She sighed she already felt like this conversation wasn't going to end well. "At Hunter's i came to pick up Naomi when the storm had started." Maybe she should have just left Naomi but she didn't like the idea of being away from her baby during this storm.

"Stay there." Karen ordered she was with Keith and she didn't like the idea of Amanda being out right now. Especially when she had Naomi with her she was scared for their saftey.

She was sort of surprised to see her but not really because she knew after all this time they were finally dating. "Karen?"


Keith had to agree with her it wasn't safe for her to up and leave. "Stay there listen to her its not safe for you to be driving especially with Naomi in the car,"

"Uncle Keith." She groaned she did not like the idea of being trapped with him. She hated him and she didn't want to be near him. She had a moment of weakness and being close to him made that able to happen again. She hated to say it let alone think it but she knew that she couldn't control herself around him.

He wasn't giving her an option he wasn't letting her go anywhere. No travel no nothing she had to stay right where she was. "Stay put Amanda you do not need to be driving anywhere right now not when you have a 7 month old child in the car." He knew a way to make her stay he hadn't want to say anything he didn't like the idea of guilt tripping her. "Think of Naomi do you really want to take her out in this?"

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