Chapter 2

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Amanda was on the side of the court with the rest of the cheerleaders It was the pep Rally for the first day of school.  She was so happy about this year she had a good feeling about it.

"Ok so lets call out the basket ball players first we have number 23 Nathan Scott"

Nathan ran out. Everyone started cheering for her. Amanda looked at him and shouted."Loser."

Nathan smiled to his twin."Oh shut it Mandy." He knew this was not about to be her attitude in a few minutes.

" Next we have number 22 Lucas Scott"

Lucas ran out next. He went and stood next to Nathan. "Loser."

"Number 3 Skills taylor"

"Jake Jagalski."

"Tim smith"

They continued calling before they finaly got to the last player"Now for a returning member number 15" Amanda froze she looked at her brothers crazy."Hunter White." Hunter ran out from the back everyone started clapping. Well not everyone.

Amanda was pissed she couldn't believe that he was back she looked over at Haley who was holding Naomi and motioned for her to leave. Haley who instantly got the message got up and grabbed her and Naomi's bag and leftout.

"Lily see you tomorrow i am going home bye." She couldn't stay she had to leave.


She grabbed her bag and walked out the back door she didn't want to be there she didn't want to see him. Not after how things had ended between them not after everything. Sadly she still loved him and always would but he did not need to know that.
Amada was sitting in her room with Naomi and Haley when there was a knock at the door."Come in." She already knew who it was and she was angry with them.

Nathan and Lucas walked in."Mandy." They knew that they should have told her that he was back but they couldn't,

She looked up at them she was so angry. She was pissed that her own brothers would do that to her. She deserved to know that he was back in town."Why didn't you two tell me that he was back?"

"He asked us not to. He wanted to talk to you."

"No." She never wanted to talk to him again not after everything that had happened between them. She never wanted to see him again and she had a hell of a reason not to.


"Nate i told you when Haley got back i didn't have to but i did i told you that she was back from her tour." She had always been honest to her brothers. She was honest about when Haley came back and they couldn't tell her when her ex boyfriend and the father to her child came back.

"Thats different-"

"She's your wife i had a baby with him Hunter and i share a daughter so yeah its different." She had to d things differently she was a mother and she had to take precautions."I have to do things differently for my daughter i should have known that he was back and not find out like that. I shouldn't have found out like that one of you should have told me but you didn't."

Haley was sitting in Karen's Cafe across from Hunter. She knew that her brothers were not going to talk to him. And Amanda was her sister Naomi was her niece "I'm having this talk with you because i know your friends with her brothers so you might not take them as serious as you will me. But let me warn you now if you hurt my sister again i will hurt you Hunter."

"Haley i wouldn't hurt her again." He had changed since the person he was when she had originally gotten pregnant last year.

"I heard about what happened with your parents." Haley had heard about the Hunters accident and the kids being left withut there parents. She kind of felt bad for him but not bad enough to give him another chance.

"There dead and now i am the sole guardian for my little sister Stacey besides my aunt Amy." He knew after his parents died that he had to change. He had to be different for his daughter and for the girl that he loved.

Haley knew her name but she didn't think that it could be possible. There was no way in hell that it was possible."Amy as in Amy Freeman."

"Why?" Hunter asked he didn't get how Haley would know his aunt.

"Is she a doctor." It wasn't possible right there was no way that it could be possible that had to be a horrible coincidence.

Hunter was starting to get really confused."Yeah so what?"

"That explains a lot?" At least now she knew why Amy was so fond of Amanda because she had a hell of a connection to Naomi.

"What the hell aere you talking about?" He was confused at why she was so suddenly interested in his aunt.

Haley could tell that he clearly did not have any idea what she was thinking so she would just have to explain it to him,"Your aunt is your ex-girlfriends doctor thats a violation of doctor paitent privledge."

"My aunt lives in New york." Hunter was positive that his aunt was still in New York and not North Carolina.

She was sure that ths had to be his aunt."Amy Freeman Blond/brownhair blue eyes about 5'7"

"Yup thats my aunt." He was confused to why his aunt would come to One Tree Hill.

"Look i won't say anything to Amanda and you better not tell her about this talk at all but you need to be there for your daughter."Haley knew why he came back he came back it was for the life that he never should have left but she also knew that he was going to have to truly work for it. It would not just be handed to him."If you really came back for them then you have to be there she is going through a hard time and she doesn't deserve this." Amanda never deserved the things that she had went through she wanted her sister to get a better life."No one deserves this especially not after everything that she had been through its not easy raising a baby."

Lily walked in she had been coming to find Haley when she seen her talking to Hunter she walked over. She was happy to see him not she could talk to him."I see you got to him before i did. Scoot over i got some words." Haley scooted over to let Lily sit next to her. Haley knew Lily well and she would have some things to say."What the hell are you doing back here Hunter? Did you just come back so that you could ruin her life some more." She didn't want her best friend to go through anymore pain.

"Seriously Lily don't you know me better than that?" He came back to fix what he had broken when he left.He knew that it would take a lot for Amanda to give him a chance but he was willing to do anything for it.

"I thought that i did i thought that you two would be good for eachother and you were i get its scary finding out that you are going to be a teen parent but you left she had to deal with with it." She knew that it must have been hard for him but it wasn't easy for her best friend either and she wanted everything to get better for her."The stares she got it wasn't easy for her either. She went through a lot after you left She went through a lot the day tat test came back positive. Yet that didn't stop you from running off like some idiot"

Haley knew that it was a lot but everything needed to change and everything needed to change now."Hunter i say this with the admost respect i get why you ran but you have to stop running for your daughters sake."

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