Chapter 8

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Since  a pregnancy is only 9 months Haley does find out she's pregnant right away since its after october in their senior year.
Amanda woke up  the next morning seeing that it was still early in the morning. She was laying again Hunter his arm around her waist. Naomi was cuddled up against her.

She seen Kelly and Stacey on a pallet on the floor. She got up slowly moving without waking anyone up. Going to the bathroom and quickly turning the sink on before going to the toliet to empty the contents of her stomach in the toliet. She sat against the wall counting the days in her head. She didn't want it to be true.
Haley woke up the next morning she didn’t see Nathan laying next to her. She sat up and seen he was hand drying the news articles that had been destroyed in the rain.  "Nathan?"

He didn't want the memories to go away he knew that the tour had been a important part of her life. "Haley, I told you. The tour was a really big part of your life and, well, you deserve to have something to remember it by, besides all the bad memories."

She crawled over to him hugging him she loved their moments like this. They were getting back to how they were before things had gone south." Thank you." She pulled away from him looking at him she was scared for their future."What're we going to do about college?"

"We'll apply to both then we'll jut wait and see."
Lily woke up the next morning to her phone ringing. She grabbed it off the side table. She seen it was Peyton that was calling which was the only reason she was answering this early.  "Hello."

"I got some bad news." Peyton knew that Lily needed to hear this from her. Before anyone else.

She sat up still groggy she knew that Peyton was never a fan of giving bad news. "What's wrong Peyton?"

"Ellie died." There was no other way that she could say it. She had to be blunt.

She didn't want to believe it she didn't just lose another parents. She couldn't have. "What?"

"She's dead." Peyton confirmed their was nothing sweet aabout it. Ellie was dead and th girls were just going to have to deal with it.

"No." She refused to believe it she didn't want to believe it.

This was why Peyton wanted to be the one to tell her. She knew that it was going to be hard for her. "I wanted to be the one to tell you."

"Where are you?" She wanted to be there with her sister. Or she wanted to be home so when her sister got back then she could be with her,

"At Ellie's." She didn't want to leave. She didn't want to leave her alone again.

"I'm on my way." She hung up the call dialing Amanda's number. She would go home and wait for Peyton got back.

"Yes my best friend who wishes to get slapped." Amanda was a little mad at her but like always she'd get over it. They could never stay mad at each other.

"I need a ride." She didn't know how long she would last before the tears started and she didn't want to be crying when Kylie woke up. As much as she didn't want to leave after what happened last night she couldn't bare to stay either.

She needed the distraction anyways szo she had no problem with that. "Where are you?"

"Kylies can you take me home." Her and her sister would get through this like they always did but she was going to need some time.

"I'll be there soon."

Lily walked out to Amanda's car getting into the passenger side of the convertible. "Where were you?" She knew that Amanda wasn't at home not during that storm.

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