Chapter 3

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"Are you coming to the dance tonight?" He knew that she was mad at him and he couldn't blame her for that but eventually they did have to talk.

"No?" She refused to go to that thing and since Lily had not mentioned anything she wasn't going.

"Well if you do decide that you are going could we talk about me seeing Naomi." He wanted to get to know his daughter he knew that he messed up and he was trying to fix things.

"If i come." She wasn't going so she didn't have to worry about that.
Lily and Brooke barged into Amanda's room while she was feeding Naomi.  They knew that if it was up to her she was going to stay home and they could not let her do that. "Your going right?"

She shook her head she refused to go to that thing especially knowing that her ex boyfriend was going to be there. "No."

"You don't have a choice." Lily wasn't giving her a choice she was forcing her to come. "We will handle costumes but your coming Karen already said that she would watch her so you have a babysitter so your coming."

"Fine." She knew that Brooke wasn't going to relent and she could see that Lily wasn't either.

"Great cause we already have your costume."
Amanda was sitting with Lily at the river court. "What's up Lil?"

"My mom came back?" Lily really hadn't had the chance to inform Amanda over some things that had occured during the summer.

"What?" She was confused she had swore her mother had died she was in the hospital with her when it happened.

It was a long story and she really didn't want to go into it. She knew her best friend was already going through a lot and didn't want to drag anything else into it. "So as it turns out i'm adopted and my birth mother came back and she is dying she has cancer. But i don't want to talk about it."

"Talk to me when your ready." This was her best friend whenever she was ready to talk she would be to.


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Amanda and Lily walked into the halloween party

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Amanda and Lily walked into the halloween party. There were people everywhere talking and dancing. "Why are we here again?" She was not fond of being at this party she would rather be watching a movie with her daughter.

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