Chapter 10

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Amanda  walked into school to see the hall filled with kids. She seen Lily and Luke and walked over to them. There was a video playing on the tv eveyrone was watching it. It was nathan talking he was angry."What's going on,"

"The time caspsle got leaked." Lucas knew that things were really about to turn up no one wanted people to see in those things.

Amanda gulped she was officially scared she had said somethngs and while it would make him understand the situation a little better. It was not nice things. "Excuse me. Is Hunter here yet,"

Lily motioned to one of the lockers where Hunter was. She didn't know what Amanda was so worried but she knew that her p"Over there talking to one of the players on the team. "She looked to her best friend she was curious to why she had asked. If she hated him so much."Why do you ask?"

Amanda came on next."I'm not going to act like i care but if there's something i can say its normalize teen pregnancies."

"Thats why." She had said somethings she had been pregnant and pissed. So mad at so fucking depressed she had came a long way from the person in that video. And she never wanted anyone to ever see it.

"Normalize them. Stop making girls feel bad about themselves no one means for this to happen. I get stared at teased this that people told me i'm going to be a horrible mother my mom kicked me out. My dad said i couldn't stay with her anymore.e said she i wasn't her daughter. He won't even look at me anymore. And my mother just stood their there and let it happen.  Normalize it don't make girls feel like trash for th
is. Me and my twin are different sure we were both popular but he got married and i got pregnant but if we can agree on one thing don't trust love it sucks. It's not worth it and it never will be. My doctor at 3 months told me i had to go on antidepressents otherwise i was going to lose my daughter. She said you need therapy session weekly. I moved in with my uncle who said i could live with him. I have both of my brothers supporting me. My sister in law Haley. My best friend Lily but its not the same. You think someone is always gonna be there and then there not. Normalize teen pregnancies don't let girls go through this its not fair. My first month i wanted to suicide i'm going to be on antidepressents and doing threapy until my baby is over 1 worst part is i still love him. don't let others go through this My daughter will be named Naomi and like her name means she is beautiful in everyway and no can change that"

Everyone looked around and spotted Amanda. She hid her face in her brothers chest the tears falling from her eyes. She never wanted to hear it again or see it again. "Luke."

Lucas held his sister letting her cry into him. He remembered when Amanda had made that video she had been going through it and he had wanted to do everything that he could to help her. "It's ok Mandy."

"Why did i say that?" She knew why she had never expected anyone to see it. It was supposed to stay a secret not seen for the next 50 years.

Nathan walked over with Haley who was holding Namoi. Both twins videos of them talking badly had come out. Haley couldn't really blame them for it though she knew that it had been a rough year for them when those had been taken. "I have no classes i figured i'd take her with me." She knew taht Amanda had already been through a lot an this was just the icing on the cake for it. "Are you ok."

Amanda didn't look at them she just continued to cry into Lucas. She didn't want to talk to anyone see anyone she just wanted to go home. "I want to go home. I want to go home." She looked at her twin she couldn't stay any longer. "Nate please take me home."

He nodded he would do anything to protect her. "Come on. "

Haley handed her Naomi she knew that she needed her baby right now. "Go."

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