chapter 6

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"S-U-C-K what's that spell Ravens," Rachel closed her locker turning towards the other cheerleaders.

"I know your new to this but the cheering stops when we lose." Brooke knew that it was Haley's first time being a cheerleader but you weren't suppose to be happy after you lose a game.

"Hey i'm sorry we lost,  but nathan's gonna need consoling." She had specific plans for the night and she was going to use it to her advantage.

"And your the consolation prize?" Brooke had to admit she did like her way of thinking. "Ooh i like the way that you think Roomate."

"Good because i have our room tonight." Haley was going to make this a special night.

"Eww i don't want to hear that." Amanda did not want to hear about her brothers relationships she did not want to know what they were doing even if she knew who they were doing it with.

Lily chuckled looking at her best friend. She had a lot to say to her. "Come on lets not act like we haven't see you riding around with Hunter lately."

"He's been driving me that's it." She wouldn't tell them anything else that had been going on she was keeping that to herself.

Brooke looked up to her brunette best friend because now she had some questions for her. Like why she had ditched her. "Were you at his place when you were supposed to come help me."

"I was talking to my mom." She wasn't going to tell them that after her moms she had went to go see Hunter they didn't need to know that much.

"Fine if you say so." She wasn't going to ask more she knew that she would find out eventually. It wasn't like Amanda was that great at keeping things from people.

"Well i will see you guys later." Haley got up waving to the teams before walking out.

"I'm gonna head out to go grab Naomi and go home." She missed her daughter and just wanted to spend time with her right now. Nothing else really interested her at the moment.

She walked outside seeing Hunter and Kelly talking to Keith who was holding Naomi. She stormed over there with her arms crossed over her chest. "No text say hey i am taking her outside."

Hunter turned towards Amanda he knew that she tended to get mad over everything involving Naomi. He couldn't really blame her though. "Hi to you to."

"Amanda?" Keith greeted he hadn't really get to see her since she was back in school he was usually in and out before she came home.

She turned towards her uncle she hadn't known that he was back in town."You either you could have told me that you were coming back to town and that you gave Lily a key to the house." She was still not happy that Lily had surprised her the other day. She gave her uncle a side hug she had missed him. "Happy to have you back." She pulled away taking her daughter from him. She was always happy to have her uncle around since her family wasn't the best. "So you back for good this time?"

"Yes i am." He wasn't going anywhere he was back home for good.

"Go spend time with your uncle but i want her."

Amanda groaned handing Naomi to him she gave her daughter a kiss on the head before turning to look at Kelly. She trusted her more than she did hi,. And she had her reasons for that to."Make sure he doesn't kill my child."

"Got it."
Keithe was walking with Amanda and Lucas. They were walking down the street drinking coffee enjoying themselves. "Alright so you're back with Brooke but she said that she never wanted to see you again. Your deciding if you want to give Hunter a chance but something did happen,"

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