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I stand rooted to the ground like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Despite blinking my eyes hard, however, I still see the same horrific scene in front of me.

Am I really seeing what I'm seeing? Because what I am seeing right now... is definitely a scene plucked out from any Crewmate's worst nightmare.

I see... death. I see... the obvious resignation of my fellow Crewmate as she slumps against the wall behind her, having been defeated before she even starts to fight. I see... the looming figure of a murderer who would not even think twice before killing her... and someone else helping this cold-blooded inhuman to achieve that very purpose...

Somehow, these thoughts make my blood boil. Subtly, I start to feel anger coursing through my veins. This anger starts to spread throughout my body and unfreeze my initial fear.

All of a sudden, the looming figure whirls around to face me. I start to step backwards, away from the figure, away from the scene.

I have to run to Cafeteria and press the button to report both Impostors (it is more like one murderer and one accomplice but the accomplice, in my opinion, is no better than the murderer because none of them help the victim in any way). I have to.

I sprint towards the emergency button as Black howls in frustration and gives chase. My eyes zone in on the emergency button... come on, come on...

But wait! What is going on...? The lights around me... they are starting to flicker...

I frown and stop right in front of the emergency button. Why are the lights around me flickering? Are they spoilt... again? (In my previous match on Polus, which was the first Among Us match that I have ever played in, the lights also kind of flickered for a while but they mysteriously fixed themselves a few seconds later.)

Ahh, never mind. The flickering lights do not affect my ability to press the button. All that stands between me and the button... is the plastic flap covering it.

I attempt to lift the flap but to my utmost shock and horror, the flap does not budge.

What? Why... is... this... flap... not... opening?

Panic starts to engulf me as I use both hands to try and open the flap... but it stays firmly in place.

That is when my eyes roam towards the sign below the emergency button. Because the lights are growing dimmer and dimmer, I have to squeeze my eyes to try and make out the words on the sign.

"Emergency Meetings Cannot Be Called During... Crises..." I murmur aloud. At that moment, realisation hits me like a twenty-pound sledgehammer - the flickering of the lights is no accident. The lights had intentionally been sabotaged by Black (most likely) so that I would be unable to call an emergency meeting. And now, she is going to kill me in the dark in Cafeteria... where there are no prying eyes to see this insidious crime that she is about to commit.

Black's pathological laughter begins to ring around Cafeteria. Behind me, I can hear her footsteps as she slows to a walk. Dread rises in me as I shakily turn around to face her. Yet again, I am unable to run, unable to scream for help. I can only watch her apprehensively and lean against the table as she draws ever closer to me.

"You have done well..." Black hisses at me. "But not well enough... to save your own life or Purple's. You see, my associate is probably stabbing her at this very moment, while I am kindly engaging you in conversation. He probably snapped your fellow Crewmate Orange's neck in Navigation before venting to Admin to... assist me in handling Purple. If only you had decided to follow them to Navigation instead of staying in Weapons to do your tasks... you could have saved an innocent life! But eh, that's over..."

"Now, you will certainly not resist my advances, or fight me in any way, or you will find yourself in a very different situation from what you are in right now. One that would involve a very, very sharp knife and a lot of stabbing..."

Inside, I am screaming. H-How is justice not meted out for this crazy... psychopathic killer right in front of me? Just how?? And how could I have been so dimwitted not to realise Black's plan from the moment I walked into Admin...? Argh!!

But something else stirs inside me. Among all the cold fear and dread that I feel, a deep sense of satisfaction warms me inside. The satisfaction of having done the right thing. The satisfaction of being someone who saves rather than someone who allows people to get destroyed. The satisfaction that I am going to die as a hero who risked his life for someone else as opposed to living as a coward who ran away from the scene and sought refuge at Electrical where I heard that Crewmates tend to frequent, leaving an innocent victim in the hands of bloodthirsty murderers.

This thought, and this thought alone, strengthens my resolve to die fighting. Boldly, I take a deep breath (despite my pounding heart which threatens to burst out of my ribcage) and look straight into my soon-to-be killer's eyes with an air of defiance.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Are you, like, scared to kill me or something?" I mock her. Seeing the fury in her eyes gives me all sorts of pleasure.

But then, as she seems to remember who is in charge here, Black smiles, showing her razor-sharp teeth. Between her rows of threatening-looking teeth, though, I can see her needle-tongue slithering across her teeth, ready to claim my life on command.

Wait a minute. A needle-tongue?? Am I dreaming or something??? That's... not normal. Especially since all the people whom I have met in my life have rounded tongues.

Strange... but eh. Maybe it is a commonality in this game. I mean, how would I know, right? I've only played this game twice, including this game.

"Goodbye, Yellow... rest assured that I would enjoy killing you..." Black pins my neck to the emergency table as she opens her mouth, wide.

My head knocks against the table, hard, and I almost get concussed. Nevertheless, the last thing that I remember... before a sea of darkness overwhelms me... is Black's maniacal cackling as the lights continue to flicker and scream after scream tears from my throat... owing to the excruciating pain between my own two eyes...

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