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Blue was An Impostor.

1 Impostor remains.


The words on my screen are starting to dawn on me now as the third (and perhaps last) round commences...

Oh my gosh... I am the last member of my team now. The entire weight of my team's victory rests on my shoulders... I am actually starting to regret encouraging the others to vote for Blue... but I easily convince myself that he had tried to sell me out first and I had to defend myself (my light-hearted comment about Blue possibly having killed Purple and Brown is not considered betrayal...). Also, the other 3 had literally seen Blue dab-smack next to Purple's body... that certainly was no fault of mine...

Oh, right. Since the new round has begun, I should probably strategise AGAIN so that no one (especially Pink!) even considers pressing the emergency button to vote me out. I obviously have to sabotage yet again... then, while the Crewmates are fixing the sabotage, I can stack-kill. No one would be any the wiser if I tried to fix the sabotage too...

The reactor meltdown will certainly not work because when the reactor is sabotaged, the 4 of us will probably split into 2 groups of 2 to fix both sides. If I kill then, it would be a 100% loss for me as the other 2 will vote for me...

The above scenario could happen for the O2 sabotage as well (it could be that everyone groups up as well but I am extremely unwilling to take the risk... now that everyone is so riled up, anything can happen). The best sabotage has to be the lights again... just simply travel there with the trio, kill Green or White and blame it on Pink (probably kill Green because although she is less intelligent than White, she has a closer bond with Pink than White does with Pink and would somehow be convinced to vote for me if White gets killed...).

8 seconds left on the emergency cooldown timer... time to sabotage!

Rubbing my hands gleefully under the table, I secretly pull out my device to sabotage the lights. I can totally imagine the switches going berserk as they flip in different directions.

Yet again, the lights flicker as they grow dimmer and dimmer.

"AHHH!!! Help!! I can't see anything!" Pink exclaims, clutching her good friends extremely tightly. Sniggering slightly, I put on my 'killer lenses' (they actually look like contact lenses) which allow me to see as clearly as before. As the trio hug one another and proceed to Electrical, I follow them there, making sure to tread slowly like they are doing (so that it looks like I can't see super clearly as well).

Once all of us are there, we get to work. While Pink, Green and White start to flip the switches frantically, I also do so... with one hand. My other hand is already slipping into my pocket, groping for the knife that I will stab into Green's left side...

Everyone is starting to grapple for space as they flick the switches. I can hear Pink's whiny complaining as she tries to fight her way to the front to fix the lights. Green is beside me on my right side and White is on her right side. While I try to flip the switches off and make it seem like I am trying to turn them on, I peek at Green's left side, trying to find the optimum time to make a stab at her.

Desperation rises in me as the lights grow closer and closer to being fixed... I have to make my move now, before the lights are fixed and a stack-kill is made impossible...

That is when the perfect opportunity arises - Green's side is completely exposed because Pink seems to have completely given up on fighting her way to the front to try and fix the lights.

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