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Woah, dang... that was really, really close... I almost got voted out! If that simpleton Pink and her goons had voted me out too... I shudder just thinking about Purple's look of victory on her face while I spin in outer space.

Oh yes, speaking of Purple...

I really, reallyy need to shut her up before she presses the emergency button and blabs to everyone about my identity. Again.

I watch as Pink and White linger around in Cafeteria to do their tasks while Green hovers behind them like the irritating bee she is. Brown heads to Admin (to do his card swipe, probably). But to my utmost horror, Purple... She stays around the emergency table, getting ready to press the emergency button when the emergency cooldown timer reaches 0 seconds.

Luckily, the emergency cooldown is 40 seconds. Plenty of time to formulate a plan to prevent Purple from getting her hands on the emergency button... and also to think about how to eliminate 3 Crewmates...

Bruh. If only my 'pro' partner Blue had shot Purple like how he had shot Orange in the head in Navigation... then we can just do a double-kill right now! Like seriously... What could have stopped Blue from killing Purple in Admin?! His kill cooldown should have had reset before (or wayyyyy before) I left Admin!

Shaking my head at the thought of my extremely volatile situation right now and the fact that Blue had completely missed a golden opportunity, I eye the emergency cooldown timer.

32... 31... 30...

Oh oh, I have to start thinking of a plan...

28... 27... 26...

I just know that Purple will deftly lift the plastic flap and slam the button the moment the timer reaches 0 seconds. I can see determination blazing in her eyes as her face tightens...

Come on, come on, think think think... it can't be that all is lost and that I will be voted out so easily...

That is when the memories of the first round hit me... what had happened with Yellow... aha!

All I have to do... is to sabotage! Yes, sabotage the reactor when the timer is very close to 0 seconds (to make Purple feel salty lol) and then after everyone gathers at the reactor to prevent the reactor meltdown and they fix the reactor, shut the upper engine doors. And then maybe, just maybe, Purple might reconsider pressing the emergency button after someone like Brown asks her to do tasks... in Electrical! He may also promise her protection... from 'hidden dangers' like me...

To be honest, the plan is not entirely foolproof. Purple may just decide to press the button anyway... but wait! If she tries that, I can just kill her in Cafeteria (hopefully there'll be no one else there) and hide her body... hmm...

Gaining clarity from the first part of my plan, I sneak a rather sly smile.

5... 4... 3...

Dang! Almost forgot about the timer... I have to sabotage now! It's now or never...

I fish out my device extremely sneakily (and somehow hurriedly at the same time) and sabotage the reactor. Sirens start to blare and red lights start to flash...

Purple glances up and fixes me with a knowing look as I make it a point to smugly place the device back in my pocket. Pink and Green are freaking out and zooming to Reactor as fast as their tiny legs can carry them and White is trying to keep pace with them so only Purple sees that small, 'insignificant' action.

The scene before me is a hilarious one but of course, I cannot enjoy it. That will look pretty 'sus'... I have to pretend to actually look frightened about the reactor meltdown and I have to look like I am 'running as fast as I can' to fix the reactor before it blows up...!

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