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ARGH!!! My entire body screams internally, at what Blue has cost me, at the fact that Blue did not do what I had asked him to do (is asking him to kill a second time too hard a thing for me to expect from him??), at the fact that I will lose for the umpteenth time because Blue and I will be forced off The Skeld. Like, seriously?? I had detailed out my plan for him already and all he had to do was to play along so we could win. Does it really have to end like this?

I remember that after I had, uh, dealt with Purple in Electrical, Blue low-key broke down into tears and slumped on the floor as if I had killed him as well when I had killed Purple (btw, that went pretty well). This is what happened after Blue started to cry...

"Blue, what the heck man... Get up already! I thought that you said that you wouldn't feel anything about Purple's death??!!" I attempted to knock some sense into him but he did not acknowledge me and instead continued to cry.

'Bruh...' I thought. Knowing that Blue was going to drag me down if he did not get over this phase and kill one of Pink's gang, I really tried my best to coax him. And that was when I heard the footsteps. This is going to sound extremely heartless, but I had to make a quick decision and my kill cooldown was at 5 seconds.

So, like a coward, I made a dash for the vent, opened it as silently as I could, jumped inside and sealed the vent, hoping and wishing that some miracle would happen and that Blue would come to his senses and kill one of Pink's gang.

However, that clearly did not happen because at this very moment, I am around the emergency table with Blue AND Pink's entire gang. I am sure that you can imagine how anguished I felt when the airhorn blared out and I saw from my device that Brown's body had been reported by Green. That was an obvious sign of failure on Blue's part... so I had no other choice but to suppress my extreme hatred towards Blue, crawl to the vent in MedBay from the vent in Electrical and come out of the vent in MedBay to go to Cafeteria.

All of the anger which is boiling in me right now threatens to spill out of me like an erupting volcano but I decided, before the meeting, to keep my anger under wraps and to play the innocent noob (Pink will totally buy into that and maybe I can convince her to skip with Blue and me).

Oh yes, the second meeting of this game is in session. I need to ask Green where the body of Brown is located so that I don't seem 'sus' (it is really ironic that I have to ask "where" because I killed him).

Then it occurs to me that rightfully, I am supposed to be the only one who doesn't know where the body is and that pressurises me more to ask.

"Green, where is the body?" I put on my most clueless face.

"Huh? Oh, right. Double-kill in Electrical. Purple and Brown dead... Pink, White and I were together for the whole round... and we also saw Blue right next to Purple's body, so yeah..." Green mutters as she stops her rather (heated?) discussion with her two friends. I have absolutely no clue about what they are discussing.

F in the chat for me. Blue evidently got caught IN the crime scene, much to my dismay... I thought that he could have somehow gone to hide in the vent or something when the trio entered Electrical... but I can't appear angry at him for messing up my operation, though... but AHHA! Maybe I can pin all the blame on him...

"Wait, so Blue killed both Brown AND Purple?" I gasp. "Dang..."

"No... NO!!! I didn't kill them, I swear! B-Black! She did it! She snapped Brown's neck and... and then plunged her knife 3 TIMES into Purple's chest! I... I just helped her to restrain Purple, that's all!" Blue counters. "If you guys..." he gestures to the trio of girls, "...want to vote me out, be sure to vote her out after that!" Blue jabs a finger at me accusingly.

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