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Our footsteps echo in the empty hallway as we stride purposefully from Navigation to Security to watch the cameras there for any sus activity (the journey is arduous and I am somehow already perspiring... hope the sweat doesn't stink up my spacesuit!). We pass by Shields and Communications but there is not a single soul in those places.

Hmm... I wonder where everyone else is? My friends, Green and White, and I haven't seen anyone else since the reactor meltdown when all of us could have died because the others were so incompetent (they walked to fix the reactor without any swiftness or urgency in their step!)... they had BETTER be doing their tasks instead of slacking!

Oh yes, speaking of my friends... I haven't really introduced them to you yet, have I? Hmm, seems like I haven't...

Okay, so starting with Green. Green and I are childhood friends (you can say that we are soul sisters). She can literally read my thoughts and finish off my sentences at will and she does that so well, it's actually pretty freaky sometimes (lol). I am unable to count how many nights I have spent indulging in heart-to-heart conversations with Green... and how many more nights I will spend doing that. To be honest, I have liked Green from my childhood days until now because... because we are both so similar. We are both such glitzy, witty and giggly people... yeah, you get it. Our bond can never be broken.

Then there is White, whom I came to know through Green a few years ago. Winner of the Spelling Bee Championship, top of her school, Gold in the annual Math Olympiad... White is obviously a 'big brainer'. This is her first time stepping into The Skeld in Among Us because Green and I had always left her to study when school was in session (on Earth) but decided to continually force her hand these past few days because it is the December holidays, after all... and what's life without being in a few life-and-death situations, right? (And anyway, even if we do die, we respawn back in the next game! So what the harm, right?) Fortunately for Green and me, White eventually gave in after we had finished captivating her with the events of our previous match on Polus. For a first-timer, though, White is doing a great job at making good judgements about people...

We pass through Storage, where I had done my refuelling task (a.k.a. the worst task on this huge ship!) and Green starts to speak.

"Hmm... Where is everybody? Thought that there would be at least one other person around here..." Green muses.

"Hey, that's what I..." I laugh lightheartedly in reply but stop short as my ears register a 'thud' sound. Shocked, I turn to Green and then White.

"Did you guys hear that?" I screech to a stop, shushing them. However, no more sound follows.

"Hear what?" White questions me.

"A 'thud' sound... no?" I persist.

"No..." Green and White both shake their heads. "From where though?"

I try to trace back to where the sound had come from but I do not remember... I only remember that there was a 'thud' sound...

"I... don't know..." I murmur. Well, the sound could have been a figment of my own imagination... never mind then...

"I think it should be fine. We're all together... so nothing bad could possibly happen to us," Green pats my shoulder as we leave Storage.

"Yeah, everything should be just fine... AHH!!!" Suddenly, I scream in fright as I reach the doorway of Electrical.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice that Green and White have suddenly snapped their heads towards me before they follow my gaze which is frozen on the mangled body at our feet. Brown's mangled body, to be precise. Bending down, I flip his body such that it faces upwards and instantly recoil at the sight.

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