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The wires in Electrical hum as I struggle to connect the coloured wires on the left side of the box to their respective coloured wires on the right. Pulling on the red-coloured wire, I connect it (with a lot of effort) to the red-coloured wire on the right... and I am done!

"Yesss..." I pump a fist in the air. However, that mini-celebration is short-lived as I remember that I need to go to 2 other places to finish the whole wiring task (ugh)... but I have finished all of my tasks in Electrical, though, so my new buddy, Brown, and I just have to go to Admin so that we can swipe our cards (I didn't do it the first time because of that villain, remember?) and I can do my wiring there as well.

"Brown?" I spin around. "Let's go... AHH!!!"

Oh. My. Gosh. What. The. Heck???

I start to hyperventilate and I don't bother to calm myself down. Because... my worst fears have come true. Breathing heavily, I shut my eyes tightly and keep them shut but open them again after a short while.

The scene, it... it doesn't ch-change, though. Brown still lies in a crumpled heap on the floor with his neck snapped. And B-B-Black... sh-she's still approaching me, with her knife in her hand and a vicious snarl on her face.

Hundreds of thoughts flit through my mind in rapid succession. What should I do? Should I quickly report Brown's body before Black's kill cooldown runs out or should I just wait for my inevitable fate to come crashing down on me? Could I actually report the body and avenge Brown successfully?

Adrenaline starts to course through my veins at the idea of trying to run and report Brown's body. Without any more hesitation, I make a dash to Brown, fishing out my airhorn from one of my many pockets and making my trajectory such that I do not run right past Black...

However, my luck (of having avoided death thus far) seems to have run out.

Ka-plunk! The vent in Electrical opens and a pattering of footsteps follows the vent sound as a figure speeds towards me (argh for goodness' sake, why do I run so slowly?), grabs me by the arms and forcefully pulls me towards a corner of Electrical, right next to the distributor which Brown had calibrated earlier.

My airhorn falls to the floor as Blue grips my arms so tightly that they are numb. After a few seconds of deliberation, he kicks my airhorn towards the other side of Electrical, near the downloading data task.

I see that he looks conflicted because of our pact earlier which involved him not killing me if I committed to his pact (which I did)... but yet he also looks resolute, as if being An Impostor is his sense of duty which he has to fulfil...

Nevertheless, I am on the verge of death. I have to protect myself, even if it means bringing attention to Blue's presence and status as An Impostor...

I scream and he gets a shock but he collects himself quickly. I scream and I scream and I scream for a straight one minute.

"Gosh, Blue, cover her mouth already! Do you want the other Crewmates to come here and see us with a dead body and... and another innocent victim?" Black snarls at Blue.

"AHHH!!! AHHH!!! HELP!! SOMEBODY, ANYBODY... MPH! MMPH MPH MMPH MMMPH!" I continue to cry out but Blue mostly shuts me up by slamming his hand over my mouth as he moves to my right side.

Black cackles as she watches the scene unfold in front of her and shuts the doors of Electrical, her eyes glowing in anticipation and excitement.

Shit... I am lowkey screwed. No getting out of this situation, especially since the doors are closed and Brown's body is trapped in Electrical with me, who can't reach it. Worse still, she's... she's still approaching me and is currently right in front of me...

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