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Oh my gosh...

If I am evil for having killed Orange in Navigation just now and for restraining Purple so that my partner had an easier time killing her, Black is a 100 times worse than me.

Okay, I'm sorry. I know that I shouldn't be judging other people like that (especially my own teammate) but I just can't help it! At least when I had killed Orange, I had simply shot him in the head so he died immediately. However, hearing the way that Black is utterly destroying Yellow (even after she killed him!)... it is merciless. It is absolutely brutal. It is cold-hearted and unadulteratedly villainous and unfeeling and...

I can go on. However, you probably get what I'm saying. Basically, Yellow's murder in Cafeteria, which is happening right now, is 100 times more than horrible.

So, hearing the sounds of her taking him apart in Cafeteria, I start to double back before realising it and Purple, who is in front of me right now, is freed from my tight hold of her.

Her face frozen, she collapses to the floor and starts to sob silently as she covers her face with her hands.

"Oh my goodness... I... I can't believe that Yellow... h-he sa-sacrificed his... his life f-for me..." She stammers, distraught.

Instantly, I feel empathy start to soften my heart. It must be the way that she looks - so childlike, so innocent - which makes me just want to hug her and cry with her. I start to move towards her (rather uncomfortably) but at that moment, as if sensing my subtle movement, her body tenses up.

Purple glares at me as she wipes her tears away from her eyes.

"So, even after that moment of... oh, what should I call it... vicious, vicious violence against a fellow human being... you are going to do the exact same thing to me now? Well, go ahead! I mean, no one's stopping you now... certainly, no one stopped that crazy partner of yours from going berserk on Yellow... yet alone reported his body..." Purple begins to ramble. "Like, seriously, while my fellow Crewmates are so dang occupied with goodness knows whatever tasks they are doing, you should just kill me now so that you can live the rest of your horrible life being simply despicable and you wouldn't even have to worry about someone ratting you and Black out!"

Finally, she goes quiet again but a few seconds later, as she opens her mouth again, I put a palm out to stop her before she starts to burst out into another fit of rage.

"Purple, look, I am not going to kill you, I promise. However, you have to promise me a few things first..." I try to reason with her.

I am totally confused with what I am doing. My brain is questioning why I have not murdered Purple in cold blood (like what Black did to Yellow) before venting again while my heart is spurring me on to continue making my pact with her. With every beat of my heart, however, I know that I am doing the right thing.


These are the things which I make Purple promise to do:

1) In the first meeting, expose Black and the things she has done.

2) This seems rather selfish... but don't reveal my identity, whether accidentally or intentionally...

3) If, somehow, Black is not voted out in the first meeting, stay safe by buddying with people for the remainder of the game. Don't let her get her hands on you again as she will probably make your death much worse than Yellow's death. You have slipped by her once, and now she will ensure that that won't happen again...


Purple stares at me.

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