Ultra Stars AU basically

22 1 7

The actual sun: Wow I have been born

Sakura: Yes you have

The actual sun: Poggers

Mimizuiki: *pops out 2 years later* wow me too

Everyone: Your are is late

Mimizuiki: Ok lol

The dad: You defenitly has been is born

Mimizuiki: yes

Sakoora: I cheated on you

The dad: What ok bye *divorces*

Sakoora: *divoreses*

The small children: What just happennended

Sakoora: you are now older and we are going to America but things don't suck except they still do

The small childen: oh ok

The dad: dies cutely

Sakoora: oh no we gotta go back to Japan part 1

The keds: ok then

The dad: XP dead face turn your head

The kids: wow I don't know what dead is

Sakoora: I am actually sad

The kids: so when is he gonna wake up lol


Sakoora: 😭😭😭😭

The: Uh


Mimizuiki: So anyway I'm going to go into a forest in the middle of the night because I'm bored 

The sleep: ok

Mimizuiki: kidnaps Nyarth and takes him to church I mean the forest

Nyerd: oh no I hate everything

Mimizuiki: oh no I hate giant bees with drill limbs

Nyerd: there aren't even that many Beedrill I mean Spear in the forest calm down

Mimizuiki: *cries and has a mental breakdown*

Sakoor: Mimizuiki get the heck over here you darn darner

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