Drink some lemonade [CH2]

35 0 9

Drink some lemonade and spread your wings!

A tournament has started in Iki town, and it's gonna be a blast!

"First one there's a rotten egg!" You yell seconds before sprinting off towards route one.

The boy behind you starts running as you put your hair up in a ponytail, "You mean last!"

"Not anymore!" You suddenly stop running, step backwards, and stop moving entirely. 

You're still trying to put your hair up, now that you're not moving it's a bit easier.

He stops somewhat ahead of you, "We're not gonna get there if we don't move."

"I just wanna put my hair up, here we go!" You start running again, and spot a Yungoos eating a oran berry whole.

"No fair!"

"Hey look, a Butterfree!" You point to his right behind him, hoping to distract him.

He slows down and looks behind him as you grab your phone to snap a picture of the Yungoos a little bit behind you.

Suddenly you're being dragged away by the back of your collar, "You can take pictures at the festival!"

"UWAAAAAAAAAAAAA- oh, a Pichu!" You snap a picture as you're dragged away. It'll probably be blurry.

The MERCILESS, absolutely ABUSIVE dragging of your body eventually stops when you hear a familiar voice greeting you, "Hey, kids!" You see Professor Kukui wave to you both as he walks closer.

"Some of the other kids that signed up for the tournament aren't here yet, so you might wanna get some snacks while we wait, yeah?"

Hau says something and drags you over to a malasada stand, as you turn your attention to a girl sitting on the ground complaining to a couple of older looking girls, "If they don't get here in like 5 seconds, I'm gonna go yell at them to start the tournament!"

Well, she's impatient.

Iki town is simply a bunch of houses surrounding a wooden stage. It's also surrounded by a bunch of stands, but that's probably just for the festival. There also seems to be a bunch of torches and some kind of campfire thingy- that wasn't there either, was it?

"Moon, what flavor do you want?" You turn your head towards Hau.

"Pecha!" You watch the lady at the stand hand Hau a bag of.. three, four,-- six malasadas?

"Six?" You questioned, surprised by how many there were. How many is he planning to eat?

"Two Pecha for you, two pinap for me,-"

"You look like a pinap," you giggle.

Hau chuckles, "and one mythic malasada for your friend."

A new voice, "Friend?"

It's Lillie It's Lillie It's Lillie--

"Hii, Lillie!" You wave with both hands, "I think he means you."

"Oh, um.." the blonde scrunches up her face and looks away. "I don't eat malasadas."

Hau drops the bag of malasadas, "You don't what?!" He squawks,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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