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Hoshiko Yō, her twin brother, and his ugly cat face was staring into her soul. She couldn't recall why, though. It was... mildly unsettling.

She had been having these dreams since she left Kanto a week ago- today would be her first day of school.

She actually missed her twin, who wanted to start his journey in Kanto, so stayed with dad since.. well, he could since dad was actually pretty cool. Their parents just..


*What's on me?*

*Is it jumping on me??*

In reality, a Meowth- or uh. A *Nyarth* is jumping on her- more specifically, the Nyarth her mom adopted when she was 5. that, well-- honestly did not like her at all-- The Nyarth that she forced to wear a cute pink ribbon,(he kind of grew attached to it though, hehe-) the Nyarth that constantly wakes her up like this, the Nyarth that---

*record scratch*

Just [Scratch]ed her.

Moon instantly wakes up and starts screaming loudly, while Nyarth kinda just stares at her, with one claw out.


She continues to screech until her mom barges into the room with- with a towel in hand?

"Mizuki! Are you okay?"

"Uhm-" Moon sits up and pets Nyarth, "Pretty okay, besides the bleeding cut between my eyes!" She smiles despite, well- that.

"Oh phew- okay sweetie!" She goes back to whatever she was doing with a smile. Moon will be fine.


After Moon applied bandaids onto the cut, she smells something coming from the kitchen/living room, as usual-- She walks slowly into the room and sees her mom finishing making pecha berry pancakes. Nyarth follows Moon, and decides to climb onto her shoulder. (as small pokemon typically do.)

Her mom, Sakura could tell someone was in the room, so she turned her head, with her black ponytail shifting slightly.

"Hello, Mizuki!-- please tell me you at least washed that cut."

"...Maybeee?" She has t h r e e bandaids in-between her eyes, and one is somewhat tilted. if you were to get closer to her you'd probably see the cut-

Sakura probably would say something, but then she *coincidentally* remembered the pancakes. "Mh- CHIKU- *ahem.*" In a panicked state, she quickly places the pancakes onto 2 plates. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Yaaay!!" Moon claps excitedly

Sakura places the pancakes onto the table nearby and fills a pokemon bowl with oran and sitrus berry slices. Nyarth jumps off Moon's shoulder and to the bowl on the floor as Sakura sits down and speaks, "Are you excited for your first day at school, Mizuki?"

Moon sits down as well. "Definitely! I'm going to have so many new friends!" She said excitedly before immediately stuffing her face with pancakes.

"Remember to call Izumi and Kazuko after school." Sakura says and begins eating.

"I will! Oh, I'm so excited I just wanna go to school right now!"

"You're literally about to go to school, Mizuki."

"Unless I skip breakfast- *chewing sounds* then I'll be going to school NOW."

"You're not wearing shoes."

"I don't need shoes to go to school!" Moon says as she finishes eating her pancakes.


"What if you step on something wet? Stain your socks?"

"Okay, okay. I'm finished anyway! Thank you for breakfast!" She quickly walks to her room to grab her stuff, Nyarth following.


After walking into her room she puts on her red and black shoes, grabs her *kind of* watermelon looking bag and brings it over her shoulder, the bag itself on the opposite side of her shoulder.

Nyarth picks up her red flower beanie with his mouth and drops it next to her foot.

"Thanks!" She bends down and grabs it, before shoving it over her head and walking to the kitchen-living room.

"Bye Mom!" She wraps her arms tightly around Sakura, and smiles.

"Goodbye Mizuki! Have a good day!" Sakura hugs her back, and quickly lets go.

Moon lets go as well, and instantly runs out of the house.

".. I should call Yō."


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