It's Lillie's birthday.

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It's Lillie's birthday

"It's my birthday" :)))) said Lillie, smiling like her soul was ripped out of her body in her sleep :)

"I hate myself." Said some emo kid in the background.

"You should!" Said some random girl with white hair who was doing JoJo poses.

"Go away nobody's likes you >:(" said literally everyone.

"I'm going to kidnap all your children- I mean battle pets" said the child stalker snow white from a few seconds ago. If you don't remember the creepy girl with the white hair from earlier you must be not okay and should get that checked out by a doctor who will force you to pay them 100000 dollars as you die from- uhhhhhh- duhhhhhh.

"I am going to cry." Said Lillie. She did what she said she would. She cried. Stop crying. Please.

"I hate myself more." Said the emo kid again.

"NO YOU SHOULDN'T YOU SHOULD LOVE YOURSELF CAUSE YOUR PRETTY AND H O T AND I WANT TO-" That was the new girl at school. She has been punched by the emo kid. The emo kid is now running like Joseph Joestar. Run emo kid run. Run emo kid run. Run emo kid run. Run emo kid ru

"All of your battle pets is mine." Said the snow white girl from earlier. Hopefully you didn't forget her. She is JoJo posing. "Psycho murderer electric rat fix these noobs with a controlled shock lol I'm funny and cool xdd" she said.

The psycho murderer electric rat then killed everyone at Lillie's birthday party. It was a terrible birthday party.

Lock your doors kids.

"Hey, wasn't that kinda lame?" Said a pale pink haired girl talking into a microphone in a room that didn't exist infront of a screen that had the word censored on it because 13/14 year old children being brutally murdered by a rat is scarier then people vomiting blood-

"Let's continue the lameness!"

And so it continues.

"Dont worry. I have magical goddess powers of rainbows and unicorns and hor- I mean love. And unicorn horns." Said the new girl at school. She was god. And twitching violently.

"Moon go to therapy you're not sane" said the emo kid who came back from getting milk at the grocery store just like his dad except his dad didn't come back dad where are you I miss you-

"I am god. Do not defy me." Said the new girl at school, clad in rainbows and uh- unicorn horns with her beautiful giant angel wings that the rest of her body wouldn't be able to support if they weren't made of paper.

"Moon, the accident was 30 years ago... It's time to let go.." said the emo kid, who was slowly not feeling so good.

"There was never anything to let go of." Said the new girl at school. She was only 14. She didn't deserve this. She just wanted a pretty boyfriend who loved who for who she is Ilima why did you have to be gay-

"Well fuck you too." Said the emo kid who stopped existing.


"What the hell is wrong with everyone?" Said snow white but the name is literal and she's nothing like snow white the fairy tale princess, who was probably more sane then Moon, who still thought she was the new girl at school.

"Oh yeah kids, I'm back- what the hey" that was Kukui. This is Kukuis home. There is dead children on the floor. Call the police Kukui.

"I'm back from hell- bye!!" That was Angel. She faded from existence right then.

Burnet died at the mere sight of the dead children.

"Ojwnwnwbwhwjwjwjhwbbwwbbwnwkwkwjwnw" that was the new girl at school. She is sane. Very sane. And probably not dying at this very moment. Nope.

"I'm not sure that was even me." Said snow white but literal

"What the hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. He

"Oh no. Oh no moon. Oh no. She is dead. How could this possibly have happened." Said the emo who decided to exist again.

"Sorry we're late, everyone-" that was Ribbon and Pama bringing the birthday cake. Ribbon fainted. Angel Lucas Hau Lillie and Moon were dead. It was so sad. Angel definitely didn't flop onto the ground and pretend she's dead. She is very dead. Not alive. Kukui can confirm- wait, no. he can't, his brain is fried chicken-

y. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

"I mcfuking hate this family" said Pama, who had dropped the cake because she and Ribbon were both holding it.

"mcfuk this family, mcfuk this existence, mcfuk all these crazy people, mc fuk-

Z A W A R U D O !"

Pama suddenly screamed, causing time to stop.

And it never continued.

Until eventually, everyone stopped thinking.

The end.

*Sound of an emo kid punching a shirtless man*

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